# Learn more about twtxt: # https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ # https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-mention.html # # nick = movq # url = https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://www.uninformativ.de/avatar.png # # For out-of-band replies: `echo ed.vitamrofninu@txtwt | rev` # # This file is available via Gopher, too: # url = gopher://uninformativ.de/0/twtxt.txt # However, since Gopher has no concept of user agents or any kind of # headers, I will not be able to see that you're following me and, thus, # will not be aware of any replies or mentions that you send. Please # either use the HTTPS feed or drop me an email. :) # # Legacy, don't use: # nick_alias = vain # 2020-10-11T10:40:48+02:00 hello world 2020-10-11T12:32:45+02:00 What better way to get this thing started: Eating 🍕, yay ❤️ 2020-10-11T12:36:19+02:00 Strictly speaking, those emojis break the Gopher protocol, because it should be ASCII. Oh, well. 2020-10-11T13:24:54+02:00 @: I'm in the process of writing my own client, that's why you haven't heard of it. I wasn't aware that it'll show up so prominently. Sorry for the noise. :) 2020-10-11T17:14:59+02:00 Thought I could get away with writing a shell script as twtxt client. Turns out, some feeds are huge (8 MB) and shell is too slow. Hmm ... 2020-10-11T20:41:21+02:00 @: Thanks for the hint, I added my usual avatar.png and it shows up nicely. :) 2020-10-12T14:57:49+02:00 Making progress with my text-only twtxt client. Reminds me that avatars are *really* useful: They make skimming through a large amount of messages much easier. Hmm. 2020-10-12T15:32:30+02:00 Problem solved, I guess. The client now picks random emojis as "avatars" for users. Oh the joys of colored fonts. https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/7961db38f2/ava.png 2020-10-12T15:47:47+02:00 I wonder if writing a twtxt client in the form of a weechat plugin would make sense. Well, maybe some other day. 2020-10-13T12:49:11+02:00 Alright, I like this twtxt thingy. I think it'll stay. 2020-10-13T12:51:27+02:00 Blog post about twtxt, my current view on it: https://www.uninformativ.de/blog/postings/2020-10-13/0/POSTING-en.html 2020-10-13T16:18:47+02:00 @ (#) Before I maybe write another blog post, I need more experience with twtxt. :) I'll keep experimenting. 2020-10-13T19:13:31+02:00 TIL: ^Wgf over a HTTP URL in Vim fetches that URL and shows the content in a new tab. Neat. 2020-10-13T21:13:04+02:00 OpenBSD httpd can't log user agents, which makes one of the "discover" features of twtxt a bit difficult. Meh. (Or can it?) 2020-10-14T05:57:52+02:00 @ (#) Ah, you probably only fetch all links *once* with a generic UA, even if two users follow the same external source? 2020-10-14T05:58:28+02:00 PSA: Nice view of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars these days. (I need better gear for photos.) 2020-10-14T17:17:51+02:00 Poor guy – or funny guy, I’m not sure: https://scsh.net/docu/html/man.html (via opfez on irc) 2020-10-15T06:01:49+02:00 @ (#<7zu2ijq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=7zu2ijq>) Exactly. How will we ever be able to tell? No emojis in his text! 😱️ 2020-10-15T06:03:46+02:00 Now. Out of coffee. Have to go out, slash through the herds, and get some new. 🧟️😷️ #TheWalkingCovids 2020-10-16T08:13:21+02:00 Dawn of another beautifully clouded, cold, rainy day here in Germany 🌧️ https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/10780e5bfc/dawn.jpg 2020-10-16T20:17:42+02:00 A little love for Windows 3.11 👴️ https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/33eeb6afae 2020-10-17T05:55:39+02:00 @ (#) It runs natively on an old machine from the 90ies and was installed ~15 years ago from original floppys I got back then. So it's the real deal. The box usually runs OpenBSD these days: https://www.uninformativ.de/blog/postings/2020-06-21/0/POSTING-en.html 2020-10-17T06:44:21+02:00 @ (#) Yep. Every time I turn it on, I'm surprised and delighted to see that it still works. 😍️ 2020-10-17T08:31:08+02:00 @ (#) I added some details to the blog post above. Pretty standard PC from that era. Nothing special, just old. :) 2020-10-18T06:47:45+02:00 @ *nods* 2020-10-18T06:53:03+02:00 Well, here’s a thing: I find out about most new twtxt users, because @ sends them a welcome message. 🤔️ A directory of twtxt users in human form. 2020-10-18T07:01:09+02:00 Will now read some of OpenBSD httpd’s code to see if there isn’t a way to log User Agents after all. 2020-10-18T07:18:13+02:00 PSA: If you use OpenBSD httpd, use "log style combined". The manpage doesn't mention it, but it will log User Agents, so you can see other twtxt users following you. 🎉️ 2020-10-18T07:51:57+02:00 @ I do follow you, but not from within twtxt.net, just my client on my workstation. The "vain" account on twtxt.net was just me getting to know the platform. :) 2020-10-18T09:03:13+02:00 @ (#) Yeah, agreed. Plus, once it has reached a certain size, a directory is pointless anyway: You can use it to find people you *already know*, but not new ones, ’cause there are just way too many options. 2020-10-18T19:34:10+02:00 Solitaire is a really inefficient and buggy sorting algorithm. 2020-10-19T13:29:31+02:00 @ (#) Congrats! 🥃️ 2020-10-19T14:43:37+02:00 Huh, gdb now has colors. That’s nice. 2020-10-19T18:11:45+02:00 So, my little twtxt client now writes to a Maildir that I can browse using mutt. *Much* better. Also: It tries to detect twt.social threads. https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/e907a68cac/tmpuAi4HE.png 2020-10-21T10:59:01+02:00 @ One advantage of using HTTP for twtxt is easy discovery of other people: You can see who follows you be evaluating their user agent. How could we translate that to Gopher? Add a search parameter? 2020-10-21T11:00:36+02:00 A gold mine when writing shell scripts: https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-sh-bible 2020-10-21T16:00:17+02:00 @ Yeah, I can see the new user agent now. Very nice. Again, thanks a lot! 👍️ 2020-10-22T14:37:41+02:00 @ Yeah. It's probably not intentional, though. HTTP is the only thing that exists in most people's mind. Not sure anyone's to blame. :) We can only try to improve it. (My client doesn't support gemini either, because curl doesn't support it ...) 2020-10-22T14:41:42+02:00 So ... our stores are running out of toilet paper. Again. I don’t know what to say. 2020-10-22T15:46:33+02:00 @ It’s fiddly indeed. But there’s nothing regex can’t do, right? Right? 2020-10-22T16:35:35+02:00 @ Oh, alright, sorry, misunderstood you. :) 2020-10-22T16:36:53+02:00 @ (#<5sqpl6a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5sqpl6a>) ${witty_comment_about_using_regexes_for_HTML} :) 2020-10-24T07:42:47+02:00 I still wonder why twtxt quickly died out in ~2016-2017. The usual “oh, a new toy, let's play with it! […] I'm bored.”? 2020-10-24T08:14:37+02:00 Good morning, sunshine. https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/f2908cb294/tmpugmwrQ.png 2020-10-24T08:46:59+02:00 @ (#) Hey, it’s on the other side of the globe! ;) 2020-10-24T09:34:26+02:00 @ (#) The hoster says the box has a gigabit ethernet card, but that's all they specify. Well, it's cheap, so I won't complain. Here in Germany, I get about 200 MBit/s, which has to be good enough. 2020-10-25T07:08:55+01:00 End of daylight saving time in Europe. Now, "noon" is at noon again. 🎉️ 2020-10-25T07:09:20+01:00 And here I am, adjusting all my radio controlled clocks manually, because reception appeared to have been bad last night. #firstworldproblems 2020-10-26T16:03:58+01:00 @ AFAIK, you mention someone by typing their “handle”, like I just did. Only thing is, they will only notice that if they’re following you. 2020-10-27T14:26:07+01:00 @ hi :) The notion of "followings" is very weak here. If you fetch someone's feed regularly, then you're following them. That's it. To find out who is following you, you have to grep through your webserver's logs for those special user agents. 2020-10-28T17:45:28+01:00 Just a friendly reminder that guitarix is an amazing piece of software http://guitarix.org/ 2020-10-30T15:07:08+01:00 Nothing better than a hot shower on a cold day. And some coffee. ☕️ 2020-11-01T18:25:15+01:00 @ I can only see one other planet and a lens flare. Should be Mars. :) If in doubt: stellarium.org 2020-11-01T19:21:19+01:00 As someone without persistent cookie storage: These. Damn. Cookie. Popups. Every. Single. Time. What a mess. 2020-11-01T21:36:39+01:00 @ (#) How could I fall for that?! ;) Didn't you own a telescope? Mars is pretty close, maybe there's something interesting to see: https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/9d94a9829c/tmpHhQynC.png 2020-11-01T21:38:45+01:00 @ (#) Nah, not your notice. But basically every other notice out there. YouTube is super annoying: Video starts, then gets interrupted by *two* popups after a few seconds, then the video stops and rewinds. 2020-11-02T15:39:24+01:00 @ (#) Oof. I don't know. Honestly, why not keep using e-mail for that? 2020-11-03T15:13:18+01:00 @ (#) Right, no mobile app here. Not a fan of smartphones. :-) 2020-11-03T17:32:29+01:00 After hunting it for about a decade, I finally got an original copy of OS/2 Warp 4 again. Gonna be a weekend full of nostalgia. 👴️ https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/a1624ee29d/tmpQVGCJc.png 2020-11-03T17:34:04+01:00 We threw away our Warp 4 box a long time ago, because "nobody needs this anymore". Yes, it still hurts. (Plus, this sells from 15€ to 200€ today, depending on the condition. Ugh.) 2020-11-05T15:23:22+01:00 @ I'll post plenty of screenshots once it's running. :-) 2020-11-05T15:28:45+01:00 @ Current twtxt setup works pretty well. Only thing that's missing is a "reply to this twt" feature directly from mutt. I was too lazy for that. 2020-11-07T13:06:14+01:00 Got a working installation of OS/2 Warp 4 on my box, including networking! 🤓️ 🎉️ Blog post in a couple of days. https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/e57ef2194e/ 2020-11-07T14:23:50+01:00 @ (#) Totally. And let's not forget that the original floppy disks still work! 🤯️ 2020-11-07T21:53:14+01:00 @ (#) Floppys and CDs are from 1996: https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/c8ff9f426a/tmplTe9VO.png 🔍️ I made copies as soon as I got them, just in case, if they happened to break down during installation. Didn't happen (so far). 2020-11-08T14:15:22+01:00 Watching “Rings” (2017). Samara has such great hardware compatibility. Cell phones, land lines, LCD TVs, CRT TVs, it all just works. Even copying a file breaks the curse. Whoa. 2020-11-11T18:33:58+01:00 So it finally happened to me: Published a *draft* of a blog post. Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2020-11-11T18:42:55+01:00 Speaking of blogging. I’m thinking about pausing the german version of my blog. It’s just a lot of work: I write the english version first and then translate it back to german. This takes a surprisingly long time … 2020-11-11T20:43:04+01:00 There it is, first part of the OS/2 Warp 4 journey: https://www.uninformativ.de/blog/postings/2020-11-11/0/POSTING-en.html 2020-11-13T16:12:03+01:00 @ Hmmmmmm, I wouldn’t even know what to put in the german version, if I kept them separate. :D I rarely have single-language content. (Although the OS/2 stuff might actually qualify, since all the screenshots are german.) 2020-11-13T16:13:22+01:00 @ (#) Yup, everything appears to work. Except for the sound card; that, I don't know. I don't have any spare speakers. 🙉️ 2020-11-13T20:26:46+01:00 If you need a standalone metronome for JACK: http://das.nasophon.de/klick/ 2020-11-14T07:30:38+01:00 @ (#) That won’t be very pleasent in the long run (no hardware volume control), but it’ll do for a quick test. 👍️ 2020-11-14T07:41:26+01:00 sysupgrade(8) is a blessing. Long overdue. 🐡️ 2020-11-16T17:25:58+01:00 Why did I give up on fractals and 3D rendering again? This is so much fun to play with. 2020-11-17T15:39:07+01:00 @ (#) It’s all on the web site: https://www.uninformativ.de/pics/ (“aoi” and “fractals”) Most of it from 2008-2009. And then I just stopped. 😱️ 2020-11-19T16:01:51+01:00 Turns out, there’s another problem with using ancient browsers in 2020 (aside from the fact that they don’t support today’s SSL ciphers), that I completely forgot about: They don’t support HTTP/1.1. Only 1.0. Meaning, they can’t select a VHost. Meh. 2020-11-20T14:29:26+01:00 Hallo! Ich bin Experimentalinformatiker. Ich klopfe irgendwo auf Bits drauf und gucke, was passiert. Was anderes fällt mir im Zeitalter von hyperkomplexen Systemen oder am besten noch Cloud-Blackboxen nicht mehr ein. #thankgoditsfriday 2020-11-23T17:10:40+01:00 I want a private sauna. While we’re at it, I want a Mökki in Finland. With high-speed internet. And no gnats. On Mars. 2020-11-25T14:22:17+01:00 enotty.dk slowly discontinuing all their feeds, even “we-are-twtxt”. :( Why, what’s going on? 2020-11-27T21:25:24+01:00 I can finally control this special LED on my keyboard on Linux. And guess what: No hackery required, the manufacturer told me which USB packets to send! What a pleasant experience! 😎️ Blog post with details soon-ish. 2020-11-27T21:28:48+01:00 So, I’ve been told by @ that my twtxt feed was a little bit broken in some clients: It needed “charset=utf-8” in the HTTP content type header. As a workaround, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt.utf-8 now exists. Maybe I’ll set up a redirect … not sure yet. 2020-11-28T08:18:48+01:00 The view from my windows recently – what’s going on this year? Getting a little bit depressing. https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/d93d48d342/fog.jpg 2020-11-28T14:36:21+01:00 My DVR is connected via HDMI to my TV. Now audio stopped working: The DVR is dead silent. So, I connected it via SCART (!) again, ta-dah, got audio again. Well, well, well. 2020-11-30T14:05:53+01:00 @ Oh god dammit. Plus, the redirect breaks @-mentions. Let’s see what we can do about that … Thanks for letting me know! 2020-12-05T11:28:37+01:00 The time has come. I’m going to call a method via DBus now. Wish me luck. Good thing venam has cleared up a couple of misconceptions before I’m trying this: https://venam.nixers.net/blog/unix/2020/07/06/dbus-polkit.html 2020-12-05T18:48:14+01:00 I can now control the height of my desk via bluetooth using a shell script. We live in weird times. https://uninformativ.de/git/idasen 2020-12-05T20:12:49+01:00 The intro of iZombie is the only intro I never skip. 🧟‍♀️️ 2020-12-06T07:45:56+01:00 A ~/bin-pub repository is a bad idea. It’s an invitation to put *every* script and tool in there. It’s a mess. 2020-12-06T08:39:13+01:00 @ (#) And yet we all do it. I found yours! 😂️ 😉️ https://github.com/prologic/tools At least you stopped committing a few years back. 👍️ 2020-12-06T09:11:36+01:00 @ (#) That number is surprisingly low. My `l ~/bin ~/bin-pub | wc -l` shows 531. 😱️ 2020-12-06T09:12:38+01:00 @ (#) Damn, sorry, I missed an “a” in that conversation hashtag. 🤦 2020-12-06T09:44:17+01:00 @ Still my own client. Yeah, I don’t have a “reply” function yet. That concept didn’t exist in buckket’s twtxt spec, as you know. It’s still all done manually. I’m not annoyed enough to implement it … yet. ;) btw, did you get around to creating a “formal spec” of all your twtxt extensions? 2020-12-06T11:29:07+01:00 Friendly reminder to clean your computer’s fans. Dust. So much dust. 2020-12-10T17:15:36+01:00 rofimoji. Finally a non-shitty emoji picker. https://github.com/fdw/rofimoji 2020-12-13T07:08:15+01:00 In the process of ripping out some of the "bigger" tools out of my ~/bin-pub and putting them into individual repos. git filter-branch to the rescue. 🥰 2020-12-13T07:14:21+01:00 @ (#) Sometimes the solution is simple, right? 😁 1.7 GB is a lot of stuff, though, is all that database overhead? Oof! 2020-12-13T07:26:57+01:00 @ (#) (Haha, my client has stored ~6100 twts at the moment and they use up 25 MB on disk – but only because each twt is an individual file, so the file system allocates 4k, even if it’s just 90 bytes. The real total size is 2.4 MB … 🙄) 2020-12-13T18:01:29+01:00 Supporting family IT got so much easier thanks to Jitsi. People can now hold their phone into the camera of their laptop, so I can finally see what they see. 👍 Yeah, smartphones are *so easy* to use. 🙄 😩 2020-12-13T21:05:37+01:00 Hooray, bracketed paste mode is turned on in Bash 5.1 by default. No strange surprises anymore when you accidentally paste multiline data. 🎉 https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/info-gnu/2020-12/msg00003.html