# Learn more about twtxt: # https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ # https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-mention.html # # nick = movq # url = https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://www.uninformativ.de/avatar.png # # For out-of-band replies: `echo ed.vitamrofninu@txtwt | rev` # # This file is available via Gopher, too: # url = gopher://uninformativ.de/0/twtxt.txt # However, since Gopher has no concept of user agents or any kind of # headers, I will not be able to see that you're following me and, thus, # will not be aware of any replies or mentions that you send. Please # either use the HTTPS feed or drop me an email. :) # # Legacy, don't use: # nick_alias = vain # # prev = igfnala twtxt-old_2020-12-13_igfnala.txt 2020-12-17T15:13:33+01:00 Hello, GTK4 https://blog.gtk.org/2020/12/16/gtk-4-0/ 2020-12-18T18:00:37+01:00 Every time my neighbor starts practicing “Für Elise” on her piano, I respond with “Seven Nation Army” on my bass. 🎸 (Awww, too bad I’m using headphones, eh. 🥴) 2020-12-19T07:55:15+01:00 @ Ohhh, is that a wild parrot? I envy you Australians! (But you can keep the spiders.) There are wild parrots in my city, too, but they’re way too afraid to get close to humans. 😥 ![](https://www.uninformativ.de/pics/photo/birds/2017-11-05--IMG_8775-saturation-crop-scaled.jpg) 2020-12-19T21:11:57+01:00 z3bra takes home office to the next level 🤯 🤔 gopher://phlog.z3bra.org/0/kvm-switches-for-the-desktop.txt 2020-12-20T13:38:02+01:00 So annoying that “i386” can mean any number of things: An actual i386, i486, i586, i686, or just “something Intel-ish with 32 bit”. Meh. If you call some binary “i386” and it needs a Pentium 2, then just say so. 🙄 2020-12-20T17:22:49+01:00 Yup, soundcard works in OS/2. Swiiish, swooosh. https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/c967774f3e/MVI_1381.MOV.webm 2020-12-20T17:25:25+01:00 “IBM VoiceType” doesn’t work too bad when doing generic commands, like “open $program” or “maximize window”. But, boy, it’s horrible when dictating text. Let’s see if this gets better after I’ve completed the 256 (!) training sentences … 2020-12-26T08:10:49+01:00 tikz-kalender exists: https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tikz-kalender Yay, I can finally ditch my super ugly custom script to create LaTeX calendars! 🎉 2020-12-29T20:02:35+01:00 Fuck. Why … So much … So many … boxes and bags and plastic and shit. Why … Why does it exist? Why do I exist? Fuck. 🚮 #ChristmasTrashCrisis 2020-12-30T08:34:28+01:00 @ (#) I’m not finished either. It’s incredible. At least most of it is gone now. 🎉 2021-01-01T00:03:06+01:00 Happy … next year! 🧯 🎆 2021-01-03T12:29:17+01:00 TIL: “Zero-sum thinking” (via https://garden.melyanna.net/notes/you-are-the-project.html#fn:1). Huh. Guilty. 🤔 2021-01-03T12:30:17+01:00 Should I give Mastodon a try after all? 🤔 Certainly not doing self-hosting, though … 2021-01-03T16:45:47+01:00 This year starts with week number 53. 🥴 2021-01-03T21:53:24+01:00 @ Why do you think it’s not a good idea? 🤔 twtxt feels a bit too “one-way” at times, since apparently many people don’t check their access.log and don’t know you’re following them / mentioning them. I originally thought this was an advantage, less noise. Dunno, maybe this is just the coronavirus isolation speaking through me. 🥴 2021-01-04T06:24:29+01:00 @ @ @ (#) Oh, I do have it automated. :) Just feels like other people don’t do it. No idea, maybe it’s just because this community is so tiny. 2021-01-04T06:28:02+01:00 @ Hmm, in my mind, Twitter and twtxt are very similar. But then again, I never had a Twitter account, so I actually don’t really know. 🥴 The best ways to have a conversation are still email and IRC, IMHO … 2021-01-04T06:35:53+01:00 (#) The answer is probably “no”, because of Netflix. I like watching movies, DVD rental is very dead, and streaming is better anyway. When it comes to the *infrastructure* of those companies, oof, how much of the web/internet will be left? 😨 It’s scary how many people use Google hosting, for example. (I have a habit of doing `dig MX …`.) 2021-01-05T07:28:43+01:00 Oof. About 13 years ago, I was introduced to the suckless project. One of its major “selling points” was that “software can be *done*”. You usually see a huge spike of commits in the beginning and then it falls off rapidly. It appears this basic idea is not very popular. We have to re-iterate it over and over: https://drewdevault.com/2021/01/04/A-culture-of-stability-and-reliability.html 2021-01-05T09:38:49+01:00 @ (#) Ah, no, I mean the individual programs. dwm is a good example. There was a lot of activity in the early years, but it has slowed down considerably in the last decade or so. That’s not because dwm is dead, but because it’s pretty much “done”. They had a clear goal, they reached it, done. I’d like to see this approach/philosophy more often. 2021-01-05T14:58:06+01:00 @ @ (#) Hmm, I guess for twtxt.net it means something like “be a microblogging platform”, i.e. probably no private messages (totally new scope, not covered by the original spec, already solved by e-mail), no pastebin (already solved by other programs), no chat, … Then again, not even dwm is “pure”, because it has a built-in bar, which maybe should be an individual program. 🤔 2021-01-05T15:27:55+01:00 @ (#) Hmm, I never used their software like that. When I used dwm, I applied my own patches (or used it vanilla, like dmenu) – which worked really great *for me*. Doesn’t work for anybody. And, yes, documentation is often terrible, plus the code style is way too “concise” IMHO, lots of short variable names, too much focus on the number of lines of code. But the idea of staying small and having well defined goals, all that works great, I think. 2021-01-05T18:07:50+01:00 Deleted my account on twtxt.net. Don’t be alarmed! 😄 It was unused and caused confusion. 2021-01-05T18:12:39+01:00 @ Just a quick question regarding twtxt.net’s hashes (https://github.com/jointwt/twtxt/pull/288): Why not hash the unix timestamp instead of an RFC3339-formatted string? That would avoid having to deal with the `.replace("+00:00", "Z")` stuff. 2021-01-06T12:23:31+01:00 @ (#) I see. 🤔 Agreed, just using the original line would have been the easiest thing to do. Well, FWIW, I think including the twter URL is the right thing to do. Otherwise, two “Good morning!” twts sent at the same time get the same ID. That’d be wrong, wouldn’t it? 2021-01-06T17:12:47+01:00 Is it just me or is GitHub’s dark mode a bit *too* dark … 🤔 2021-01-06T17:19:46+01:00 Haha. I actually made a Mastodon account. Didn’t take long until I got my first “spam follower”: A bot that follows everyone in an effort to gain attention. Yeah. The crux of large social media networks … (Sooner or later, the same thing will happen with twtxt, though.) 2021-01-06T19:12:45+01:00 @ (#) Ya see, your terminals are black -- now switch to a massively bright browser showing a white page and you'll be blind. 🥴 Dunno, it doesn't have to be *dark* as in *black*. twtxt.net’s dark theme, for example, is really nice. 2021-01-06T19:37:15+01:00 @ Whoa, dude, that would go to eleven! 🤯 2021-01-07T15:26:45+01:00 @ (#) Yeah, a bit. But nothing’s stopping people from spamming my twtxt.txt file with spammy user agents. If someone can reach me, there will be spam. It’s inevitable. 🤣 (Just much more unlikely if twtxt stays niche and tiny.) 2021-01-07T17:14:55+01:00 @ (#) Naaah, where’s the fun in that? 🤣 2021-01-07T17:20:40+01:00 I wish Audacity had horizontal guide lines in spectrograms to make it easier to read frequencies. 🤔 https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/40de7f426e/a.png 2021-01-07T19:14:40+01:00 @ (#) Huh, well, that’s better than nothing. 😲 Thanks! 2021-01-09T08:35:52+01:00 @ (#) How it all began: https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/7e47c78d04/the-look-of-betrayal.webm 2021-01-09T10:16:25+01:00 @ (#) No, I just stole that video from The Internet. Also, nice dinosaur vibe in your vid. 🦖 😂 2021-01-09T10:50:45+01:00 Task for this weekend: Trying to make these frets a bit smoother. https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/a2b4e9ba2e/f.png 2021-01-09T11:54:33+01:00 @ (#) Lol, mostly the birds, but now that you mention it … 😁 2021-01-09T19:20:01+01:00 @ (#) Thx 🥴 It’s the first time I’m doing this. Works great, though, already feels *much* better. 🎉 2021-01-09T19:38:03+01:00 @ (#) Holy smokes, that’s a tidy desk. Here’s mine (few months ago, as posted on nixers.net): ![](https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/c3bb087b5a/desk.jpg) (Desktop screenshots over here: https://www.uninformativ.de/desktop/ ) 2021-01-09T19:47:19+01:00 “Isn’t it all a mess?” // Windhand - Grey Garden // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn8ShYUuIp4 #NowPlaying 2021-01-10T10:48:02+01:00 @ (#) Yeah, it’s a huge difference. Pretty happy with the results so far. 🥰 Still, I’d rather pay more next time. (The whole bass guitar thingy was an experiment, I didn’t know if I was going to quit after a few weeks. I tried guitar first, didn’t like it. So I bought the cheapest bass I could find. Turns out, it’s awesome, I love it. 😍) 2021-01-10T19:33:01+01:00 “You broke Reddit! 😢” Well that’s just great. 2021-01-10T19:34:59+01:00 The end of season 3 would be a good moment to end Star Trek Discovery. 2021-01-11T15:30:18+01:00 @ (#<34qplea https://twtxt.net/search?tag=34qplea>) It’s working again! I did a great job, eh? 😇 2021-01-11T15:57:11+01:00 Finally found the perfect mug for me: https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/fb469401f7/mug.png #Profanity #MaybeNSFW 2021-01-11T21:37:16+01:00 @ (#) Ohhh, nice shots! 2021-01-12T15:21:54+01:00 @ (#) Would be interesting to plot these values. I suspect there are tons and tons of feeds with just a few messages and then some bots with thousands of twts. 🥴 2021-01-12T15:23:44+01:00 Seeing crashes again with Intel GPUs on Linux 5.10. Gah. The Internet suggests to remove the xf86-video-intel driver and have X11 fall back on modeset instead … Let’s give it a shot. 2021-01-12T21:18:23+01:00 @ (#) Yeah, looks like most of the feeds are tiny and then there are a couple of huge bots: https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/898bef509f/feedhisto.txt (Or I’m too tired and stupid, which is always a valid option.) (Also, I didn’t clean up for duplicates, either.) 2021-01-12T21:19:39+01:00 @ (#<2nnst4a https://twtxt.net/user/adi/twtxt.txt>) Don’t be afraid, it will revert. At some point, you’ll think it’s ugly again. 🥴 2021-01-12T22:09:57+01:00 @ (#<2nnst4a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2nnst4a>) Yeah, shell scripts kind of were “the holy grail” for me for many years, but this is changing lately. Especially the lack of proper data structures (lists, dicts) is really annoying. But, uhm, don’t let me stop you! Enjoy it while it lasts! 😁 2021-01-13T17:46:24+01:00 @ (#<2nnst4a https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2nnst4a>) It’s just so tempting. “Oh, I can do this in a few lines of Shell.” Nope, should have been C or Python right away. 2021-01-13T19:18:27+01:00 My whisky bottle is empty. Sad. 2021-01-13T20:45:47+01:00 @ (#<5sbb27q https://twtxt.net/search?tag=5sbb27q>) Haha, no. I bought it a couple of years ago, actually. Nevertheless, it’s empty now! Sad. https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/78e91aa216/laga.png 2021-01-14T20:02:09+01:00 Hmm … I miss the nice warm light of my christmas decoration. Maybe I’ll put it back up. 🤔 2021-01-14T20:22:21+01:00 (#<7tl43vq https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt>) That did not help. (Why are graphics drivers so fragile?) 2021-01-14T20:30:44+01:00 @ (#) Sunglasses! 😎 2021-01-14T20:38:06+01:00 (#) Oh, we have our first chinese user in the twtiverse? Welcome! 👋 2021-01-15T08:59:56+01:00 @ (#) Oh, sorry then. The glyphs looked chinese to me and Google Translate said so. But I really have no idea. :( 2021-01-15T21:06:58+01:00 @ (#) Is this translation of one of the replies correct? “Looking at the name, I thought it was a txt site dedicated to Taiwanese 🤪 🤪” 😂 2021-01-16T09:56:35+01:00 @ (#<7tl43vq https://twtxt.net/conv/7tl43vq>) Oh, I sacrificed cats. Lots and lots of them. 😈 2021-01-17T07:21:42+01:00 Bam, snow! 😊 ⛄ 2021-01-17T10:53:33+01:00 @ (#) Nice! We didn’t get that much, but still. I just saw a kid roll around in the snow. 🤣 2021-01-17T17:31:43+01:00 @ (#) Now there is enough. 😁 It’s not like I’d do it, but still nice. 2021-01-17T17:35:22+01:00 @ (#) Awwwww 😍 We didn’t get that much. (It appears I live closer to a city, so it’s probably a bit warmer here?) 2021-01-18T18:05:58+01:00 People are super unhappy with the spelling of the capital of Ukraine in tzdb. Rename requests pop up continuously: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2021-January/029679.html 2021-01-18T18:10:15+01:00 @ (#) If XTerm only supported fallback fonts. 😐 2021-01-18T18:20:01+01:00 The “FUBITSU” drive 😁 http://www.os2museum.com/wp/every-bit-matters/ 2021-01-19T19:57:07+01:00 Next book in the “nixers book club”: The UNIX-HATERS handbook! https://nixers.net/Thread-Nixers-Book-Club-Book-2-The-UNIX-HATERS-Handbook 2021-01-19T20:03:56+01:00 😊 🤘 // Acid King - Center of Everywhere // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv-bgfM9jZM #NowPlaying 2021-01-20T19:56:25+01:00 @ (#) Whoops. Well, let’s hope they can’t do a lot with just your phone number. (I may be a bit old-fashioned and blissfully ignorant, but can they do *anything* aside from sending you spam?) 2021-01-20T19:57:06+01:00 @ (#) Feel free to join the forums. 😊 I hope there’s going to be lots of interesting discussions. 2021-01-21T15:39:14+01:00 @ (#) The “Z” is fine, but date and time really have to be separated by a “T”, IIUC. 🙂 That one twt on http://darch.dk/twtxt.txt is broken, IMO. 2021-01-21T18:23:13+01:00 In theory, I’m saving a lot of time by working from home 100%. But it doesn’t feel that way. The days appear to be just as short as usual. Meh. 2021-01-21T20:37:48+01:00 @ (#) Well, thanks – and god dag! I guess. I’m sorry, I don’t know Danish. ;( 2021-01-21T21:34:17+01:00 Dun dun dun … 😁 // Stoned Jesus - Black Woods // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J9MDi-Twuw #NowPlaying 2021-01-22T17:13:59+01:00 When I see people interact on twtxt *without* the use of the [Twt Hash Extension](https://dev.twtxt.net/doc/twthashextension.html), it’s pretty messy. It really makes me appreciate that extension. 👍 Threading is such an important feature. 👍 Too bad the old clients don’t support that. 🤔 2021-01-22T20:38:00+01:00 @ (#) Heh, yeah, that too 😁 2021-01-23T06:45:56+01:00 @ (#<3qhn7la https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3qhn7la>) Nice! I’m thinking about polishing up or rewriting my own client, just to get another alternative out there. It’s a bit messy at the moment. Leveraging mutt (or another MUA) to read twtxt works great, IMHO. 2021-01-23T06:50:17+01:00 Thinking about changing my online nickname, because it’s ancient and quite a bit stupid. I wonder how much chaos that would cause in the twtiverse. 🤔 🥴 2021-01-23T08:46:50+01:00 @ (#) So, basically a new feed which people have to follow afresh? 🤔 I mean, the HTTP redirect helps with a new feed URL, but not with the username (since people have to explicitly store that name in their database). 2021-01-23T17:12:22+01:00 @ (#) Hmm, since the username is not part of the actual feed, clients have to store the name separately. (This is actually a flaw of the spec, if you ask me.) So, if I change my name, people would still send me @vain stuff, unless they manually edit their configs. I don’t see a way for an automatic/seamless transition. 🤔 2021-01-23T17:15:39+01:00 @ (#) Yeah, it’s a real word, sadly. I picked it a really long time ago, when I wasn’t good at English – I thought it meant something else. 😵 It’s always a bit embarrassing to read that nickname. Haven’t really thought of something else yet (doing this as an adult feels weird), maybe I’ll just use my initials or fire up a random generator. 🥴 2021-01-23T17:17:15+01:00 Alright, rewrote my twtxt client in Python. It’s cleaner and a loooooot faster now. fork() + exec() in a Shell script is so super expensive, especially when done many times (i.e. on every twt I see) … 2021-01-23T17:19:16+01:00 (#) … also fixed a few bugs in the process in the area of twt hash calculation 🙄 Normalizing the time stamps is nasty. 2021-01-23T17:53:22+01:00 @ (#) Haha, not gonna talk about that. 😄 2021-01-23T19:43:57+01:00 @ (#) Well, it’s a bit exotic: It fetches all the feeds I follow and puts them into a Maildir, which I can then read using Mutt. It looks like this window on the left: https://www.uninformativ.de/desktop/2021-01-12--katriawm-twtxt.png So, it’s a text-only user interface for a terminal on GNU/Linux. (Didn’t care about portability to BSD yet, maybe in the future.) The new code is not yet published, as it’s very fresh and barely tested. 🙃 👷 2021-01-23T19:45:08+01:00 @ (#) It comes from my years as a teenager. Lots of strange stuff was going on back then. 🤐 2021-01-23T19:57:16+01:00 @ (#) DVCS have made my life so much easier, I wouldn’t give that up. 🤔 Diffability™, history, checksums, syncability, easy branching. There are so many reasons for me to love it. 😊 2021-01-23T21:11:14+01:00 I’m seeing a lot of “FOLLOW: @news from @vain using twtrd/latest” recently on twtxt.net. Bug on your end or on mine? 🤔 🙃 2021-01-24T08:34:06+01:00 @ (#) DVCS = Distributed Version Control System. Something like Mercurial, Bazaar, Darcs, or Git. (Git was probably won this “war”, but there are others.) 2021-01-24T08:35:00+01:00 @ (#) I see. 🤔 Dunno, I might be biased here. The advantages outweigh the costs by far, IMHO. I use Git for almost everything, no matter the size. 2021-01-24T08:35:57+01:00 @ (#<2xd37ma https://twtxt.net/search?tag=2xd37ma>) Ah, alright! 👌 2021-01-24T12:14:45+01:00 @ (#) Welcome back, birb overlord! ![](https://dump.uninformativ.de/v/562d283ad5/birb.jpg) 2021-01-24T15:08:49Z My rewritten twtxt client will be called “jenny” – and I now somewhat hope that twt.social will indeed be renamed to yarn / yarn.social 😁 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinning_jenny 2021-01-25T17:25:38Z @ (#) Großartig! 🤣 2021-01-25T17:55:56Z @ (#) I don’t know. But you got me. 2021-01-25T18:05:48Z (#) In case someone wants to take a look: https://uninformativ.de/git/jenny First release will follow when I used it for a while. 2021-01-26T13:44:54Z @ (#) Hmm, yeah, that could be worth a try. However: The program tends to be I/O bound because it has to check tens of thousands of local files (one for each twt). Not sure if optimising networking makes a big difference. Plus, it’s finished in 3-6 seconds anyway. 😊 2021-01-26T14:21:22Z @ (#) Hmm. I never really thought this would matter. Most twtxt files are small and I only do a fetch about every 10 minutes. Retrieving a couple of JPEGs from people’s regular web sites is probably more costly. 🤔 Nevertheless, I’ll consider adding it. Thanks!