# Learn more about twtxt: # https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ # https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-mention.html # # nick = movq # url = https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://www.uninformativ.de/avatar.png # # For out-of-band replies: `echo ed.vitamrofninu@txtwt | rev` # # This file is available via Gopher, too: # url = gopher://uninformativ.de/0/twtxt.txt # However, since Gopher has no concept of user agents or any kind of # headers, I will not be able to see that you're following me and, thus, # will not be aware of any replies or mentions that you send. Please # either use the HTTPS feed or drop me an email. :) # # Legacy, don't use: # nick_alias = vain # # prev = xcnzmlq twtxt-old_2021-07-27_xcnzmlq.txt 2021-07-30T14:35:16Z @ (#) Oh, so that’s what those “scene mode” settings do … Never played with them either. 🤣 2021-08-02T18:16:09Z 🦀 Programming in Rust is some kind of weird masochistic love-hate thingy. Today, I understood the turbofish. 2021-08-03T16:49:38Z 🦀 The fact that https://caniuse.rs/ exists is worrying. 2021-08-03T18:52:50Z @ (#) Hmm, good question, actually. No idea about the official “state” of Rust. 🤔 It’s considered “stable”, but that doesn’t mean a lot. I should read up on their roadmap and their future plans. 🤔 2021-08-04T15:28:29Z Thinking about buying a new monitor, but … everything is wide. Just wide. This is so impractical. What about height? Even 1920x1200 has become rare (and, thus, expensive). Now what? Buy a 2560x1440 monstrosity? 😦 2021-08-04T19:01:55Z Clouds and stuff. That last one might be The Nexus from Star Trek. 🤔 https://movq.de/v/e8b5c9315d/ 2021-08-05T05:48:16Z @ (#) Yeah. I guess, in today’s world, your desk has to look like this: https://movq.de/v/763c6c3076/the-perfect-desk.webm 🥴 2021-08-05T06:04:40Z @ (#) Oh my god, they’re tiny! 😆 2021-08-05T06:35:50Z (#) Turns out, my GPU (or rather the mainboard, because it’s an iGPU) doesn’t support more than 1920x1200 anyway. Very well, less options to choose from, easier for the brain. 😆 2021-08-05T10:19:01Z @ (#) Maybe they come bundled with a Dell U4919DW. 🤔🤔🤔 https://www.dell.com/en-us/work/shop/dell-ultrasharp-49-curved-monitor-u4919dw/apd/210-arnw/monitors-monitor-accessories 2021-08-09T17:29:37Z @ (#) How does that “Klangwald” work? Or, rather, sound? 🤔 Doesn’t that just clatter/rattle? 2021-08-09T17:34:08Z (#) I went with a Dell S2421H at the end. Only 1920x1080, but the ones with 1920x1200 were just too expensive for my taste. Good thing about the S2421H is: It has speakers builtin. They’re not great, of course, but good enough (I use headphones for good audio anyway), so I can save some space on my desk. 2021-08-09T17:48:12Z (#) Oh, one other thing that I keep forgetting: Old hardware uses so much more power. The old monitor used about 27-32 watts. The new one just uses about 12 watts. (It will take a long time until this pays off, I mean just the price for buying it, but hey. 🤣) 2021-08-11T11:41:50Z @ (#) I fully expected this to be a video of yet another natural disaster. But, no, it’s cozy! 😅 > 2021-08-15T07:57:25Z The joys of big frameworks: When PulseAudio hangs (which it often does lately, the combination “HDMI + LADSPA filters” doesn’t work very well), I can no longer start any GTK program. Because … GTK wants to be able to play “system sounds”. That includes my browser. And my terminal. Awesome. 🙄 2021-08-18T17:17:50Z @ (#) Hmm, how is support for fallback fonts in urxvt these days? I’d rather not lose the ability to display arbitrary unicode symbols. But maybe that’s something I have to sacrifice, dunno. 🤔 ← Does that emoji display correctly for you in urxvt? 2021-08-19T18:00:09Z Uhh, nice and heavy. The next song I’m gonna learn. 😊 🎸 // Monolord - Cursing The One // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAfN574Ld8U #NowPlaying 2021-08-22T07:33:16Z Whoa, this is good: https://spec.pub/ 2021-08-22T07:55:59Z @ (#) … “but the idea behind this phone is great”. Yep. If all smartphones were like this (minus the bugs/slowness), I’d actually be interested in them. To be honest, the Pine64 – even in its current state – is way more interesting than any Android or iPhone I’ve seen. 🤔 Running any OS I want? It comes with a dock? Hardware switches? *Being able to easily run my own programs?* Awesome! Finally something that doesn’t feel like a toy or golden cage. Maybe I’ll gift myself one for christmas. 🤔 2021-08-22T14:54:29Z Oh for crying out loud, isn’t there a FOSS alternative to TeamViewer? 2021-08-23T05:40:43Z @ @ (#) Yep, remote support for relatives (Windows). Simple screen sharing is better than nothing (that’s what we eventually did, using Jitsi), but it’s a lot easier if I can take control. 😕 2021-08-23T12:48:35Z @ (#) Hmm, is screego bidirectional? 🤔 Don’t think so. But it’s a good alternative to Jitsi, yes. 👍 2021-08-23T16:15:21Z My shiny new monitor has two HDMI inputs. Exactly what I need. How do I switch between them, though? Using the very fragile buttons on the bottom of the monitor. I have to do this several times a day, because the monitor does *not* have a “use whatever HDMI input is available”-mode. I guarantee, this is how this monitor will “break”: Those tiny little fragile buttons will break, the rest will keep working, but it’ll render the monitor useless. 2021-08-24T13:53:26Z @ (#) Not directly, because of missing port forwardings. Buuuuuuuut that can be solved and it’s probably the way to go. 🤔 2021-08-24T13:55:11Z The battery of my iPhone has died and I am not able to replace it because it has been super-glued to the case. Someone please stop me from ranting about this for the next couple of ... years? 2021-08-24T15:11:05Z @ (#) I eventually got it out. But holy cow. Have you ever applied force to an already puffed up battery? Not a lot of fun … Whatever. That’s it. I won’t buy a replacement. That thing was a gift, so I luckily didn’t pay for it. Goodbye, iPhone. 2021-08-24T15:48:22Z @ (#) My previous old Android phone. I don’t know of a *good* smartphone that I would *like* to use. Right now, I just need something that can issue phone calls. 2021-08-25T09:51:31Z Happy 30th Birthday, Linux. 🥳 2021-08-25T09:54:34Z @ (#) I read about that, looks great! I hope they’re still around when I eventually need a new laptop. 2021-08-26T12:40:43Z @ (#) Time for what? 🥴 2021-08-26T17:09:42Z @ (#) It always depends. 🥴 The current wave of “Happy Birthday, Linux” posts refers to Linus’ announcement in comp.os.minix, IIUC: https://groups.google.com/g/comp.os.minix/c/dlNtH7RRrGA/m/SwRavCzVE7gJ 2021-08-28T10:24:18Z @ (#) For a second, I thought 2.jpg was a graveyard. 🤣💀 I wonder how that trap in 3.jpg and 4.jpg works. “No poison”? 🤔 So they starve in there? 2021-08-28T10:29:03Z The weather is getting gloomy outside, and it perfectly fits this masterpiece. 🤘 // Ahab - The Isle // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK3ZlrH2ryY #NowPlaying 2021-08-29T16:53:29Z @ (#) A Dell S2421H. I mean, it’s working fine, it’s not broken *yet*. 😁 The previous monitor lasted well over 10 years, maybe 15 (I don’t know exactly, bought it as a “used” model) … Let’s see how long this one makes it. 2021-08-29T17:00:28Z I love the placebo effect. Take a painkiller – pain gone, immediately. Works every time, even though I know very well that those pills take 30-45 minutes until they actually start showing any real effect … 💊 2021-09-02T12:19:58Z Holy smokes, been afk for a few days and now I’m drowning in new twts. You guys been busy. 🤯 2021-09-02T15:50:19Z @ (#<3mxwffa https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3mxwffa>) No, what happened, someone posted on HackerNews again or something? 🤣 2021-09-04T06:51:15Z Stared playing Grim Fandango again. 💀🌷😍 2021-09-04T06:51:35Z (#) For now, I run it on my Windows XP box, but it might be interesting to give https://www.residualvm.org/ a shot. 🤔 2021-09-04T08:38:41Z (#) Gah. a) residualvm appears to be dead, the project is even marked as “archived” on GitHub, b) I’ll have to workaround copy protection for it to work … what a mess. 2021-09-04T12:41:00Z @ (#) That might be an option, yeah. I’m usually too greedy to re-buy stuff that I already bought. 🤣 We’ll see … 2021-09-05T10:02:54Z I’m sitting here, recording some bass with Guitarix and Ardour. I’m going crazy. How can my timing be *so* terrible? This can’t be true! Yeah, turns out, I had to set my track to “Align with Capture Time” in Ardour and, boom, much better. 🥴 2021-09-06T12:53:04Z @ (#) How does one interpret those numbers? Does it mean that people usually died at about 30 years or is that really an average, meaning lots of children died but those who survived still reached something like 70 years? 2021-09-06T17:10:49Z Deutsche Wahlwerbung für $Partei im Stream von di.fm. 🤦 2021-09-12T16:08:13Z Kind of back after a short medical leave. 2021-09-12T16:09:20Z @ (#) It’s really funny to see how so many forms of communication gravitate towards “let’s just do full threading, we should have done it from that start”. 🤔 2021-09-12T16:59:53Z @ (#) Let’s just say, I’ve seen this happen with multiple products at work: Step 1, someone builds something which doesn’t support a “reply” feature at all. Step 2, the thing grows, now people want “reply”. Step 3, it gets confusing with all the linear replies and now people want “full threading”. 😁 That’s also basically what happened to twtxt/yarn. Maybe, over time, everything evolves into Usenet. 🤣 2021-09-12T17:00:43Z @ (#) It is now, I think. 😊 Gotta heal up a bit more, though … 2021-09-12T19:14:13Z @ (#) I didn’t do anything to myself. 😅 Just minor surgery … Nothing serious, nothing life threatening. ✌🙂 2021-09-13T06:43:22Z @ (#) Hmm. That trailer basically re-tells the story of the first movie. 🤔 I hope there’s more to it than that. 🤔 Hopefully they don’t just regurgitate the same story again … 2021-09-13T06:43:47Z @ (#) Read it as “LDAP” and was quite confused for a moment. 🥴 2021-09-13T09:36:16Z @ (#) The trailer basically shows this: Neo is trapped in the Matrix (he wonders what’s “real”), then meets the right people to “free” him, and then he shows off some super powers. That’s a story that we already know. 🤔 Is there anything new? Does he discover new aspects about the Matrix or something? 2021-09-13T16:17:27Z 🦀 “How do you do $foo in Rust?” – “Use this create: …” That’s another symptom of the language being very young. Well, or maybe I’m just spoiled by Python and its very extensive standard library. 🤔 Still, I’m not too happy with pulling in tons of dependencies that all have versions like “0.4.0”. 2021-09-13T16:22:32Z @ (#) Still dazzled by how many of those you see. Guess I don’t go out often enough. 🥴 I think I’ve only seen one “snake” in my entire life. 🤔 2021-09-13T18:38:01Z @ (#) Morning? Are you on Hawaii? 😁 2021-09-14T05:37:06Z @ @ (#) To be fair, I’ve often heard the rumor that they want to let code mature in “Crates” (external dependencies) before they eventually merge it into the standard library. I’m not involved enough to cite any examples, though, so take this with a grain of salt. 🤔 2021-09-14T05:52:31Z @ @ (#) On the other hand, I’m not sure if that approach even works. If you let a project “mature” outside of the standard library, that project might very well do things that are not compatible with said standard library. Like, it might pull in another external dependency (which it very likely does). So what happens then, when you want to merge that into core? You merge both projects? Rewrite one of them? Hardly. 🤔 Maybe this idea of “letting it mature in a crate” is only meant for stuff developed by the core Rust team itself? 🤔 That’d be a very different story then … 2021-09-15T08:17:36Z @ (#) Guess I have to add this feature to my client now as well. 😁 2021-09-15T08:19:40Z @ (#) Ah, that’s interesting, thanks! 😲 2021-09-15T15:10:35Z @ (#) Lol, of course. 🤣 “What if I’m on Agent Smith’s side now?” ← Haha, yeah, that might happen! 🤣 2021-09-17T12:28:09Z @ (#<7mepzeq https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt>) Uhh, nice. 😊 🦫 2021-09-18T18:45:06Z Sitting on the balcony, watching Moon and Jupiter, writing phlog, taking crappy pictures 🤣 https://movq.de/v/48b8a877ba/balcony.jpg 2021-09-19T05:30:56Z @ @ (#<47ae7iq https://twtxt.net/search?tag=47ae7iq>) 1k might sound a lot, but even the old registry at http://twtxt.xyz/ already has 364 feeds. 🤔 How many of those 1k are actively used? 😁 2021-09-19T06:24:19Z Here’s an example of how git/GitHub doesn’t really delete stuff. In July, I deleted all branches of all repos on GitHub, because everything had moved to my own server in 2018. Example repo: https://github.com/vain/dwm-vain — nothing left but a pointer to the new repo. But this still works: https://github.com/vain/dwm-vain/blob/d5e94c08e479b3ed62fc1dff41a4b64b4623ec53/dwm.c#L2012 2021-09-19T06:25:47Z (#) It’s not a big surprise if you know that “branches” are just labels of some commit objects. So, basically, GitHub doesn’t run garbage collection on its repos (“storage is cheap”, eh?). 2021-09-19T06:29:05Z (#) Also, it’s surprisingly hard to really remove something from a git repo. Try it: Create a new branch, create a commit on it, then delete that branch and see what you have to do for `git show $the_old_rev` to no longer work. Spoiler: A simple `git gc --aggressive --prune=now` is not enough. 2021-09-19T06:30:29Z (#) So my point is not “GitHub is evil, they never delete stuff”. This is really just a property of git itself. It might still come unexpected to some people. 2021-09-19T07:24:12Z @ (#) Oh, I had to use `reflog` way more often than that. 🤣 Actually, this is one of the reasons why I like git: You can easily recover from *a lot* of mistakes, you just have to know which rev it was. Git hardly ever deletes anything. This is great when working locally, but might be a bit of a surprise once you publish things. 2021-09-19T07:25:51Z (#) Actually, I might just be an idiot. The GitHub repo still has all the *tags*, so the commit I mentioned is still reachable … 🤦 Oh god, no, I’m not going to clean that up now. That’s a lot of work, because all the repos have been “archived” (you cannot un-archive them through the API, only through manual clicks in the browser). 2021-09-19T08:21:36Z @ (#) Good point. Some other commits (that are not reachable via any of the tags) *can* still be reached, like this one: https://github.com/vain/dwm-vain/commit/d919d6e2d751f28a52b9f17c45242aa957cd7484 But only through the GitHub web interface. If you clone the repo to your local machine, `git show d919...` just yields “bad object”. 2021-09-19T09:10:47Z (#<5iuuj7q https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt>) Will you look at that! 2021-09-19T09:10:54Z (#<33zddqa https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt>) It forks! 2021-09-19T09:11:05Z (#<33zddqa https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt>) Sorry for the noise. 🥴 2021-09-19T09:58:02Z @ Oops, dev.twtxt.net is dead. Is it deployed somewhere else now? Not a problem if it’s not – I’ll just change my links to something like https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/src/branch/master/docs/_posts/2020-12-22-twtsubjectextension.md then. 😊 2021-09-19T13:13:49Z jenny + mutt: Getting started with twtxt https://www.uninformativ.de/blog/postings/2021-09-19/0/POSTING-en.html 2021-09-19T13:16:25Z (#) I get the impression that twtxt attracts nerds a lot, but there really is no console client anymore that supports threading. I suspect that lots of people then run away from it again. We need more clients. 🤔 jenny is one option, so I’m “promoting” it a little bit. 2021-09-19T16:51:41Z @ @ (#) Yeah, mutt is a really great tool for this purpose. I’ve used it in the past for similar things, like interacting with our corporate StatusNet microblog (which is now GNU Social?!). By using mutt as a frontend, I don’t have to worry about writing UI code, which is a big relief. 😊 2021-09-19T18:15:51Z @ (#) jenny stores all the twts in a maildir, so you can use any mail client that supports the maildir format to *read* the twts. That’s easy. *Writing* twts, however, is a bit tricky, especially *replying* to a twt: In mutt, you can easily define a hotkey to pipe the currently selected mail to an external program (“pipe” as in “UNIX pipe”), which allows jenny to *reply* to an existing mail/twt. I’m not aware of a way to configure Thunderbird like this. But, suppose it were possible, then yes, it would work. 2021-09-19T18:17:32Z @ (#) In other words: No, this setup is not a generic “mail to twtxt” bridge or something like that. 🙂 You cannot send a mail and it will end up as a twt. 2021-09-19T18:18:24Z @ (#) I was hoping for that! The more clients, the better! 😊 2021-09-20T11:52:58Z @ (#) Sure, go ahead! 2021-09-20T11:59:13Z @ (#) I don’t even have IPv6 at home, so I hardly notice these things myself. 😢 2021-09-20T14:34:13Z Oh no, please get your sh1t together. tzdb fork imminent? 😩 http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2021-September/030405.html 2021-09-20T14:36:49Z (#) All this talk about twtxt and privacy … Maybe it won’t be *that* long until I add some privacy features to jenny. 🥴 2021-09-20T16:43:07Z One of my all time favorites. That intro … 😲 // Saelynh - To Julia // https://www.jamendo.com/track/501833/to-julia #NowPlaying 2021-09-21T03:57:58Z @ (#) Wait, blogs are gone? I missed that memo. 😩 2021-09-21T04:07:38Z @ (#) I use [be](https://www.uninformativ.de/git/bin-pub/file/be.html) and [highcal](https://www.uninformativ.de/git/highcal/file/README.html) quite a bit (`be` could use better documentation …). But honestly, I put most stuff like doctor’s appointments in a paper calendar on the wall. 🙄 I gave up on the iCal format a long time ago, it’s horrible. At work, I just use our Google stuff, which works “well enough” (but so did Zimbra, which we used before that). 2021-09-21T04:37:19Z @ (#) That’s what I meant, lack of documentation. 🤣 `highcal` is simple, yes, it just shows a calendar and can highlight dates. `be` manages a set of text files, one for each “thing” you want to keep an eye on. They can contain a line like `when: 2022-03-13` (plus other text). So, for example, I have a file called `car-inspection` with this content: https://movq.de/v/b98540ab5e/car-inspection Then a cronjob runs `be dead` to show items that are expired or about to expire. Yes, I realize all this is very low-level and probably not what lyse is looking for, but this approach has been working great for me for over a decade now. 🤣 2021-09-21T13:33:24Z @ (#) Yep, exactly. 2021-09-21T13:34:43Z @ (#) 🤣 I’m not good at naming things. “Brain extender” is not even proper English, I think. 2021-09-21T13:35:51Z @ (#<376foda https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt>) I noticed that I often get timeouts from eldersnake’s new pod. I hope I’m not overloading it or something. 😨 2021-09-21T14:57:56Z @ (#) Absolutely right! 😂 2021-09-21T15:43:43Z Public service announcement: To decode QR codes on your computer with your webcam, one option is to use the `zxing` gstreamer plugin (`gst-plugins-bad` on Arch) and then run this: `gst-launch-1.0 --gst-debug=zxing:9 v4l2src ! videoconvert ! zxing ! videoconvert ! autovideosink` You get a live preview and it prints to stdout once something has been decoded successfully. 2021-09-21T15:46:03Z (#) At least in Germany, there is a massive surge of QR codes at the moment. Everything is a QR code now. For example, I went to a doctor today, they handed me a piece of paper and told me: “To see your result, scan this QR code on your phone!” (It decodes to a simple URL that I can open on a real computer as well.) 2021-09-21T15:49:06Z (#) (On a similar note, everything is being mashed together now. “App”, “web site”, “program”, it’s all a blur. Since I do know what a smartphone app is, it often goes down like this: “You can use an app on your phone to do $foo!” – “Sorry, I don’t have a smartphone.” – “Oh … Well, you’re out of luck then, sorry.” When in reality they just want to me visit a web site. But nobody knows the difference anymore. 🙄) 2021-09-21T16:19:11Z @ (#) In plain twtxt, none of this is really specified. 😢 That part of the protocol is not so great. In plain twtxt, *my followers* must configure that the URL https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt belongs to the username “movq”. So it has to be done manually. 😢 That being said, you can put a `# nick = foobar` at the top of your feed and *some* clients will pick it up and show this as your nick. All the `@username@yarn.domain.tld` stuff that you see in Yarn.social is actually just a Yarn convention – maybe @ can tell you more about how exactly that works. 🙂 2021-09-22T12:10:00Z @ (#) Ohhh, that’s awesome. 🤯 2021-09-22T12:17:32Z (#) The thread has exploded and I’m no longer able to keep up with all the mails. 😦 Quite a lot of drama. 2021-09-22T15:13:54Z @ (#) None, I think. 🤔 And there’s an increasing number of people who advocate for *not* creating a fork and for *not* firing the current maintainer. Phew! 2021-09-22T16:33:54Z As for privacy stuff in twtxt: Release v21.09 of “jenny” will bring some changes. It is no longer required to publicly disclose all the `follow =` lines; this has been moved to a private, local file. // Also, an option has been added to use a generic anonymous HTTP user agent instead of the special twtxt string (which discloses to other feeds who you are). This can be set globally and on a per-feed basis. 🥳 🤫