# Learn more about twtxt: # https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ # https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-mention.html # # nick = movq # url = https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://www.uninformativ.de/avatar.png # # For out-of-band replies: `echo ed.vitamrofninu@txtwt | rev` # # This file is available via Gopher, too: # url = gopher://uninformativ.de/0/twtxt.txt # However, since Gopher has no concept of user agents or any kind of # headers, I will not be able to see that you're following me and, thus, # will not be aware of any replies or mentions that you send. Please # either use the HTTPS feed or drop me an email. :) # # Legacy, don't use: # nick_alias = vain # # prev = kvwn5oa twtxt-old_2021-10-23_kvwn5oa.txt 2021-10-23T11:05:09Z @ (#zipopla) Lol, alrighty then šŸ˜ 2021-10-24T04:21:12Z Just saw the new CSS on twtxt.net, looks good! šŸ‘ 2021-10-24T05:04:29Z @ (#kwptbpa) ā€œOne hourā€ makes me wonder: Is this a DST bug? According to [this](https://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/usa/seattle), DST ends on November 7 in Seattle (thatā€™s where she lives, according to her web site), so I guess weā€™ll see in a couple of days. šŸ˜ 2021-10-24T05:57:07Z @ (#kwptbpa) I havenā€™t fully thought it through. šŸ˜ Iā€™ll try. Time zones seriously make my brain hurt, though. 2021-10-24T05:57:30Z @ (#zlgcnzq) Morning! ā˜• 2021-10-24T06:07:54Z @ (#kwptbpa) I think it *could* be something like this:ā€Øā€ØSeattle has UTC-8 in winter and UTC-7 in summer (IIUC). Letā€™s say itā€™s 9:34 AM in her local time. I suspect her script might be adding 8 hours to convert her local time to UTC ā€“ throughout the entire year. So her script will generate ā€œ17:34-00:00ā€. This is correct in winter, but one hour off in summer, when DST should have been applied: With DST, the script should have generated ā€œ16:34-00:00ā€. This would make her twts appear to be one hour in the future.ā€Øā€ØWhatā€™s strange is that some of her twts do have a `-07:00` time zone. That would be the correct time zone at the moment! The bulk of them has `-00:00`, though, so thereā€™s probably two different twtxt tools at work, one of them ignoring DST ā€¦ 2021-10-24T06:11:28Z (#kwptbpa) Heh, her feed starts on 2021-03-19. Thatā€™s a few days after DST began in Seattle (2021-03-14). So we really donā€™t know if my hypothesis is correct, because we have not yet seen twts of her without DST in effect. šŸ¤£ 2021-10-24T06:31:17Z Pushed one last change to jennyā€™s repo (`url_alias` has been removed, itā€™s obsolete). Going for a release in the next few days. And then Iā€™ll tackle whatā€™s in the `TODO` file. šŸ‘· 2021-10-24T06:32:00Z @ (#kwptbpa) Yeah, no, I donā€™t see a way to fix this in clients. šŸ˜• 2021-10-24T08:08:15Z Malevolent product design: ![](https://movq.de/v/8a2b2590f0/s.png)ā€Øā€ØThatā€™s a netbook sleeve/case. That bright long-ish thing in the middle? Itā€™s plastic. It doesnā€™t serve any purpose whatsoever. At least not from my perspective, but maybe from the perspective of the manufacturer: Itā€™s made from that kind of plastic that dissolves over time. And thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s happening here. That thing is all sticky and gooey. So the idea is probably that Iā€™m now supposed to buy a new one.ā€Øā€ØWell, screw that. Iā€™ll probably try to cut it out and sew something else in there. šŸ¤” 2021-10-24T08:28:14Z (#dpxms2q) Pretty disgusting process.ā€Øā€Øhttps://movq.de/v/d1e6d0fe98/ā€Øā€ØAnd now thereā€™s some yellow ā€œresidueā€ left. šŸ™„ If Iā€™m able to clean this up some more, I might just leave it like that. 2021-10-24T09:49:29Z (#dpxms2q) To be fair, that thing is already more than 10 years old. So itā€™s not *that* bad. But then again, everything is fine *except* for that useless plastic thingy. Thatā€™s the *only* reason. šŸ¤¦ā€Øā€ØI think I can keep using it. It wonā€™t look pretty, but I donā€™t care. 2021-10-25T14:52:49Z @ (#yp3fkba) On the Internet, no one knows youā€™re a dog. šŸ¶ 2021-10-25T15:21:12Z @ (#u6uumbq) There is no support for deletion, really. `lastmods` only affects retrieval of feeds (i.e., it sets the `if-modified-since` HTTP header), but when a feed *is* retrieved, then it is always processed in full. So, eventually, you get all twts that are present in a feed.ā€Øā€ØIā€™m curious, what is your use case for deleting twts? 2021-10-25T16:16:31Z @ (#u6uumbq) Hmm. šŸ¤”ā€Øā€ØAt the moment, itā€™d be rather easy to implement this in jenny: We could simply store the time stamp of the newest twt weā€™ve seen (thatā€™s different than `lastmods`) and then discard older twts. I think @ asked about that a while ago, too. I *think* I didnā€™t implement this yet, because I simply didnā€™t need it. The twtxt world was so tiny that it didnā€™t matter. But youā€™re right, itā€™s going to be a problem in the long run.ā€Øā€ØNobody ever really thought about ā€œlong termā€ in the twtxt world, if you ask me. I mean, itā€™s the same thing when *writing* twts. My feed keeps growing and growing ā€¦ forever? Do I truncate at some point? Will all clients be able to handle that truncation? šŸ¤”ā€Øā€ØI want to implement HTTP range requests next. Thatā€™s going to be interesting. Also, range requests and truncation probably donā€™t mix very well. šŸ¤Ŗ But I havenā€™t put much thought into it, yet.ā€Øā€Øtl;dr: Iā€™ll put this on the TODO list after all. šŸ‘ 2021-10-25T16:50:10Z @ (#vez43wa) Cheers! šŸ· 2021-10-25T17:59:42Z @ (#u6uumbq) Ouch, thank you. That (ā€œfeeds donā€™t need to be orderedā€) pretty much kills the idea of doing range requests. šŸ’€ I also didnā€™t consider metadata changes. šŸ¤¦ā€Øā€ØFWIW, I know of at least one feed in the wild that *prepends* new twts: http://codemadness.org/twtxt.txt 2021-10-25T18:00:17Z @ (#4bs3vta) I think I like this idea. šŸ¤” 2021-10-25T19:54:57Z @ (#u6uumbq) Ya that gets out of hand real quick. I donā€™t think itā€™s worth it. Thereā€™s too much that can go wrong. šŸ¤” 2021-10-25T19:57:05Z Now my laundry dryer is acting up. Thatā€™s one of those items that I donā€™t really need and, in retrospect, these guys were a huge waste of money. Sure, itā€™s luxurious and neat and fancy, but ā€¦ Nah. If that thing dies, then it dies. (I just hope it doesnā€™t catch fire in the process.) 2021-10-26T16:41:23Z @ (#7tmfmpq) Maybe. But *in theory*, itā€™s legal to append twts in the middle. Or, and Iā€™ve done that myself a couple of times, delete twts somewhere in the middle of the feed.ā€Øā€ØI mean, doing that *probably* means that the partial feed Iā€™m retrieving starts in the middle of a twt now, and thatā€™s something that I can detect, so I can then fall back to just retrieving the full feed. But itā€™s not guaranteed. There will be subtle bugs, it feels very fragile. Iā€™m not convinced that itā€™s worth the effort. šŸ¤” 2021-10-26T16:46:01Z @ (#3ezvila) Iā€™ll have a look at those specs, too. The gist of it really is just `next` and `prev` in metadata, IIUC. And that should work pretty well. šŸ¤” 2021-10-26T16:58:06Z Since weā€™re all on the brink of becoming alcoholics here, Iā€™ll have a sip of this now and go watch the season finale of ā€œMidnight Massā€ on Nyetflix: ![](https://movq.de/v/6a44614f4a/s.png) 2021-10-26T17:01:38Z (#htxyltq) (In all seriousness, I donā€™t really drink a lot. Itā€™s been ages since I was actually *drunk*, must have been my early 20ies. Itā€™s just a small glass, 2cl, of good whisky every now and then, because I like the taste of it.) 2021-10-27T12:13:29Z @ (#3ezvila) ā€¦ does that mean that archived feeds are supposed to be ā€œfrozen in timeā€? Nothing ever added to them, either? (Sorry, havenā€™t read the actual RFC, yet.) 2021-10-27T12:13:45Z A WebKit update broke my browser. Gotta fix that now. Fun. 2021-10-27T12:48:41Z @ (#r33kvxa) WebKitGTK. No Windows or Android, sorry. šŸ˜… https://uninformativ.de/git/lariza 2021-10-27T13:15:15Z @ (#r33kvxa) šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ To be perfectly honest, that slogan didnā€™t work out *that* well in the long run ā€¦ šŸ„“šŸ˜¢ Keeping up with GTK/GNOME shenanigans is anstrengend (exhausting) as well. (Same thing with my VTE terminal btw.) 2021-10-27T15:00:43Z (#3ezvila) So itā€™d go like this?ā€Øā€Ø- `twtxt-2021-10-25.txt`: Feed of twts starting at 2021-10-25. For now, this is the ā€œcurrentā€ feed.ā€Ø- `twtxt-2021-10-25.txt` keeps growing for a while by appending new twts at the end.ā€Ø- Once `twtxt-2021-10-25.txt` is ā€œfullā€, we add a `next` field to its metadata which points to ā€¦ā€Ø- ā€¦ `twtxt-2021-11-01.txt`, which is initially empty except for a `prev` field that points back to `twtxt-2021-10-25.txt`. From this point on, `twtxt-2021-11-01.txt` is the ā€œcurrentā€ feed. It keeps growing in the same way. Eventually, itā€™s full and superseded by the next (partial) feed.ā€Ø- `twtxt.txt` could then be a symlink to the ā€œcurrentā€ feed file.ā€Ø- Non-current feeds could now indeed be considered as ā€œarchivedā€: Nothing ever changes in them anymore (except for metadata maybe? What if I change my nickname or feed URL?)ā€Øā€ØWell, at least thatā€™s how Iā€™d go about implementing this in jenny. šŸ™‚ 2021-10-27T15:02:37Z @ (#r33kvxa) I used https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/vim-vixen/ for a while until I eventually gave up on managing add-ons in Firefox. (They kept changing the way how add-ons are installed, which is super annoying for me, since I *always* use https://uninformativ.de/git/clean-browsers.)ā€Øā€ØBut really, all browsers suck. šŸ˜ 2021-10-27T15:05:05Z I hope I get around to upgrading my OpenBSD boxes at the weekend. šŸ¤” Thereā€™ll probably be a short downtime of this server. 2021-10-27T15:41:36Z @ (#3ezvila) Nah, that was just an example. šŸ™‚ Iā€™d probably go for ā€œ`$n` months or `$m` twts, whichever comes firstā€, both variables being customizable. I mean, thereā€™s no point in ā€œpaginatingā€ a feed if thereā€™s very little traffic. 2021-10-28T14:19:32Z (#yyiauda) Something something ā€œTom Scottā€, ā€œthat way lies *madness*!ā€ 2021-10-28T14:21:36Z @ (#eek7qna) Is it really that much of a problem, though? (It would be really funny if *you* introduced a bug now which accidentally drops some twts because somethingā€™s ā€œwrongā€ with their time stamp. šŸ¤£) 2021-10-28T15:57:20Z @ (#fr6hsja) Ah. Now I got it. That makes a lot more sense. šŸ¤£ 2021-10-28T18:05:52Z I hardly use my car since this covid thingy started, so I hardly noticed the gas prices going up recently. https://movq.de/v/9ad8e9b11d/sprit.png But whatā€™s actually *more* interesting is how the price appears to have been ā€œcappedā€ at 1.6 EUR/l in the past. šŸ¤” I wasnā€™t really aware of that, either. 2021-10-28T18:06:47Z (#cbk2uaq) Maybe itā€™s just an illusion, I donā€™t know the first thing about gas prices and economics. šŸ¤£ 2021-10-29T11:02:24Z @ (#4bajyya) Iā€™ll probably be going back to public transport and/or bike. Iā€™ll keep my car until it breaks down (or becomes way too expensive) and then thatā€™ll be the end of the ā€œcar eraā€ for me. Public transport isnā€™t *great* where I live but itā€™s good enough, especially when I only go to the office 1-2 days a week. Cars are just super expensive and require so much maintenance, ugh ā€¦ 2021-10-29T11:02:45Z (#ksg3bqq) What a weird choice. 2021-10-29T11:10:29Z (#ksg3bqq) ā€¦ not that ā€œFacebookā€ was any better. šŸ¤£ 2021-10-29T13:53:46Z @ (#ksg3bqq) Oh. šŸ¤¦ 2021-10-29T17:20:11Z Removed the HTTP-to-HTTPS redirect from my web server for better compatibility with old browsers: gopher://uninformativ.de/0/phlog/2021-10/2021-10-29--website-http.txt 2021-10-29T18:10:39Z @ (#o5cto2q) šŸ˜‚ā€Øā€ØMaybe I should have written it like this? 2021-10-29T18:15:42Z (#o5cto2q) Well, notā€™s a link, but it still looks funny. šŸ˜… 2021-10-29T18:43:55Z (#opw257a) Yes, Iā€™m also pretty confident that this is a good extension. If I have the time and energy (maybe I wonā€™t), Iā€™ll open a PR with a formal draft for this on the weekend. šŸ‘Œ 2021-10-29T18:57:22Z @ (#c7dnr7q) I think your proposal is actually pretty good. Especially step 2 ā€“ that should add a lot of robustness. I hadnā€™t thought about doing this. šŸ¤”ā€Øā€ØStill, Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™d implement that (in my client). It adds quite a bit of complexity and Iā€™d like to keep things simple(r). Granted, I probably have a bit of an ā€œextremeā€ view here: Complexity is the devil. šŸ˜ˆ Iā€™m not dismissing this idea in general, Iā€™m just speaking for my client.ā€Øā€Ø(Also, Iā€™d first like to see the pagination thingy implemented. I think we can gain *a lot* if we get all the ā€œmainā€ feeds down to a few kilobyte, instead of megabyte. And actually, pagination is just a different form of ā€œrange requestsā€ ā€¦) 2021-10-30T07:27:36Z I see twtxt.net supports `if-modified-since` now, yay! šŸ„³ 2021-10-30T08:30:19Z An attempt to formalize the pagination extension we were talking about: https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/pulls/494 2021-10-30T10:05:17Z @ (#g6vcweq) Great! Iā€™ll have a look after lunch. šŸ˜Š 2021-10-31T06:06:45Z @ (#vm5bptq) jenny defers this decision to the `requests` library:ā€Øā€Øhttps://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#encodingsā€Øā€ØHonestly, Iā€™d rather not interfere with that.ā€Øā€ØThey refer to RFC 2616, which indeed says ISO-8859-1 should be the default for `text/plain`. However, RFC 7231 says in appendix B that this has been removed and itā€™s now up to the media type. When we look at https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml#text, we see RFC 2046 listed for `text/plain`. RFC 2046 including its update RFC 6657 specify US-ASCII as a default (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6657#section-4). So, uhm, which one is correct? ISO-8859-1 or US-ASCII? None of those things specify UTF-8 as a default for `text/plain`, though, this only applies to *new* text media type registrations.ā€Øā€ØItā€™s a rabbit hole. Thatā€™s why Iā€™d like to defer this to `requests`. 2021-10-31T07:01:34Z @ (#vm5bptq) I havenā€™t opened that image, but Iā€™m pretty sure I know what it is. šŸ˜ šŸ˜ 2021-10-31T12:25:57Z (#zvi7l7q) Done. Couldnā€™t use sysupgrade this time, because I had to re-do the partition layout, so this wasnā€™t a particularly smooth upgrade ā€¦ šŸ˜© 2021-10-31T15:51:24Z @ (#vm5bptq) Hmmmmm, good point. I completely forgot that twtxt enforces UTF-8. šŸ¤¦ I think I'll change this, yes. 2021-10-31T16:09:32Z @ (#vm5bptq) I pushed commit cb02422 to the repo. šŸ‘Œā€Øā€Ø(Yes, the change is super simple. I just wasnā€™t sure earlier if I *wanted* to do this. But youā€™re absolutely right, twtxt says feeds must be UTF-8, so thereā€™s no point in caring about the `Content-Type` header at all.) 2021-10-31T16:10:58Z (#vm5bptq) Fun fact, I had to jump through some hoops to configure *my own web server* to serve my feed with `Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8` instead of just `Content-Type: text/plain`. šŸ¤£ Maybe Iā€™ll remove that hack from my config now ā€¦ 2021-10-31T16:58:53Z @ (#nekynfq) Ya, why not. (I never *really* understood why the subject wasnā€™t first. šŸ¤·) 2021-10-31T17:03:01Z ā€œHello darkness, my old friend. Now you start at 5pm.ā€ šŸŒš #DST 2021-10-31T17:53:34Z @ On the branch `track-lasttwts`, Iā€™ve started implementing that ā€œdonā€™t recreate deleted mail filesā€ thingy. So when you delete/move/archive twts, they should no longer reappear when you run `jenny -f`. Feel free to give this branch a try. šŸ‘Œ (Bugs may lurk, itā€™s very fresh.) 2021-10-31T17:55:36Z @ (#el7d3ja) Gah. šŸ¤” Iā€™ll have to rework this. Thanks for reporting! Never seen `F` before. 2021-11-01T14:38:22Z (#o5cto2q) Netscape 4.0 and Opera 3.62 on Windows 3.11: https://movq.de/v/2371a069ec/ Not perfect, especially with all the UTF-8, CSS and PNGs, but I like a lot that itā€™s still *usable*. 2021-11-01T14:39:32Z @ (#w4qg37a) #31 immediately caught my eye. šŸ‘Œ 2021-11-01T15:14:34Z @ (#w4qg37a) Something like that? šŸ„“ https://movq.de/v/664e4240bf/s.png 2021-11-01T18:36:27Z @ (#o5cto2q) Itā€™s ancient software, but those are all ā€œnewā€ installations. The one on those screenshots is from 2007, I think. None of the real installations from the 1990ies have survived. šŸ˜¢ At some point, I just thought: ā€œHey, letā€™s install all that old stuff again!ā€ šŸ„“ 2021-11-01T18:40:14Z @ (#p522joq) Great. šŸ™‚ Guess Iā€™ll merge that into `main` soon, then. 2021-11-01T20:11:53Z @ (#p522joq) Ah, yeah. Stupid mistake. It gets overwritten. Will fix tomorrow. 2021-11-01T20:13:53Z @ (#p522joq) Yeah, something along these lines. I think thereā€™s something missing, Iā€™ll have a look tomorrow. šŸ‘Œā€Øā€Ø(Haha, will you look at that. Now weā€™re exchanging diffs over twtxt. I guess the original authors didnā€™t see *that* coming.) 2021-11-02T18:04:37Z (#p522joq) I merged that branch into `main` with a fix. Itā€™s almost the same diff that you posted, just a minor edit. Thanks! 2021-11-02T18:06:26Z (#el7d3ja) On `main`, all maildir flags should be ignored now, so hopefully no more duplicates. 2021-11-02T18:13:04Z @ (#tzlkn3q) šŸ˜² 2021-11-02T18:13:20Z (#tzlkn3q) Just realized, you probably donā€™t see that emoji. šŸ¤£ 2021-11-02T18:41:27Z @ (#tzlkn3q) IIRC, his client runs in urxvt, which isnā€™t particularly good at that fancy font stuff. I might be wrong, though. I just vaguely remember seen screenshots like that. šŸ¤” 2021-11-03T04:07:29Z @ (#tzlkn3q) On Linux, you donā€™t have that many options, realistically. If you want good emoji support, you basically need a terminal that uses the VTE library (or maybe something from the KDE world, dunno). Something like sakura or lxterminal.ā€Øā€ØOr you can try my xiate, but I donā€™t know how much longer I can keep maintaining that ā€¦ GTK4 is lurking and everything is pushing hard towards Wayland, which means removing X11 features from libraries like GTK (because ā€¦ yeah, why?). I have not yet started porting xiate to GTK4, though. If shit hits the fan, I might just switch to suckless st or use urxvt myself. Oh, and xiate is not memory friendly (anymore), it uses ~44 MB per terminal. 2021-11-03T04:09:32Z @ (#4663qha) Glad you like it. šŸ‘ Letā€™s just hope that I donā€™t screw up and introduce lots of bugs in the future. šŸ¤£ā€Øā€Ø(Seriously, with all the changes lately, Iā€™d like to slow down a bit and spend more time on quality, refactoring, more tests.) 2021-11-03T17:22:44Z @ (#bk3qohq) These didnā€™t happen to be the twts by jlj? His pod was unavailable or something. šŸ¤” 2021-11-03T17:25:57Z @ (#bk3qohq) One of the biiiig problems with this feature is that I donā€™t use it myself. I just let my mailbox grow and I honestly donā€™t see the need (yet) to archive or delete twts. So I donā€™t observe those bugs myself. šŸ™ (Actually, implementing features that I donā€™t use myself is against one of my ground rules. If I donā€™t use it myself, itā€™s not ā€œbattle testedā€. Bugs may lurk and I never find them. Hmm. I was arrogant enough this time to think: ā€œOh itā€™s such a simple feature, I can implement that, even though I donā€™t use it.ā€ Maybe that was wrong.) 2021-11-03T17:26:49Z (#v4bt6ga) Yep. For now, you can just save an empty file and then exit your editor. Thatā€™ll properly discard it. Itā€™s just not very obvious that you have to do it like this. 2021-11-03T18:33:48Z (#bk3qohq) Alright, for testing purposes, I deleted all twts in my box up until 2021-10-18. Letā€™s see how it goes. 2021-11-03T18:43:54Z @ (#tzlkn3q) Fun fact, good support for emojis often also means good support for Unicode in general and that means ā€¦ well, see for yourself, run this in a couple of different terminals: `curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nickboucher/trojan-source/main/C/commenting-out.c` (Iā€™m honestly surprised why it took so long for this to get popular.) 2021-11-03T18:47:07Z Speaking of terminals and emojis ā€¦ The fact that jenny uses these little ā€œšŸ“£ā€ symbols means you canā€™t really use it in XTerm, or urxvt, or st, or Linux VT, or ā€¦ šŸ˜’ Itā€™s nice *if* your terminal supports it, but terrible otherwise. 2021-11-04T14:34:49Z @ (#bk3qohq) Hmm, not sure. Hereā€™s one scenario:ā€Øā€Ø- You fetched jljā€™s feed before you started using jennyā€™s new `lasttwt` feature.ā€Ø- jljā€™s pod went offline.ā€Ø- You experimented a bit, archived more twts.ā€Ø- jljā€™s pod came back. You fetch the feed, but `lasttwt` is now unset, so you get all of its twts, including those that you already archived.ā€Øā€ØDunno. Itā€™s not *that* unlikely that it happened like this. But then of course, I have absolutely no idea what you did on your computer, so itā€™s just a *very* wild guess. šŸ˜… 2021-11-04T14:38:31Z @ (#tzlkn3q) Yeah, itā€™s the correct URL. Itā€™s a show case of Unicode ā€œright-to-leftā€ control characters. Depending on which program/terminal you use to display that file, it looks very different. See also: https://www.lightbluetouchpaper.org/2021/11/01/trojan-source-invisible-vulnerabilities/ 2021-11-06T06:26:23Z @ (#4663qha) Heh, thanks, but thatā€™s not really my kind of thing. šŸ˜Š I just publish that stuff and if someone likes it, great ā€“ if not, then šŸ¤·. 2021-11-06T06:27:18Z @ (#bk3qohq) Strange. Well, Iā€™ll commit that stuff to a repo now, too, itā€™s a good idea. šŸ‘Œ 2021-11-06T06:39:46Z @ (#mrodbxa) Oh my god! šŸ„°ā€Øā€ØWeā€™re having lots of wild parrots here, too, but theyā€™re way too scared to get *that* close to humans. šŸ˜¢ The legend goes that these guys escaped from a bird breeder some decades ago ā€“ theyā€™re not native to central europe. https://movq.de/v/b5cc712fb7/ 2021-11-06T08:36:41Z @ (#mrodbxa) Arenā€™t cockatoos parrots? I always mush them together. šŸ˜ 2021-11-06T08:38:11Z @ (#mrodbxa) I guess it happens a lot that they escape. šŸ¤” It always amazes me that they still manage to survive in the wild. I mean, -10Ā°C in winter, sometimes less? Thatā€™s crazy. šŸ¤Æ 2021-11-06T13:14:41Z TIL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catgut was used for stringed instruments like guitars and violins. So, humans played songs on the intestines of animals. How barbaric. šŸ„“ 2021-11-06T13:16:40Z (#jzwcgyq) To be fair, I never really thought about it ā€¦ But I was expecting something made from hair, like this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morin_khuur 2021-11-06T17:42:13Z (#t3wvu7q) @ Itā€™s gone. Forever. This happens every time you touch a clock. So, careful with that! 2021-11-06T17:51:49Z (#v4bt6ga) @ @ Let me ask you guys a question: Whatā€™s your workflow here? You hit the ā€œreplyā€ hotkey, the editor comes up, then what? You start writing and writing and then, at some point, you decide ā€œnahā€ and just do `:q!`?ā€Øā€ØThe reason why Iā€™m asking: I think I sometimes hit `:w` in between. This is kind of muscle memory for me (Iā€™m actually not 100% sure if I do it or not ā€¦). So a `:q!` wouldnā€™t work for me, because I would accidentally send a half-written twt.ā€Øā€ØAnother thing to consider: Maybe users have configured their editors to do auto-save after a while. šŸ¤”ā€Øā€ØEither way, I suspect the current way to cancel a twt (saving an empty file) has to stay (whether I implement an *additional* mechanism to detect ā€œcancelā€ or not). It is very explicit and the user/editor wonā€™t do it by accident.ā€Øā€ØSo, yeah, whatā€™s your workflow? How do you use it? 2021-11-06T17:52:56Z (#i3hppxa) @ 2021-11-06T18:56:34Z (#v4bt6ga) @ I see. šŸ¤” We could check the fileā€™s mtime after the editor has exited. If itā€™s the same as before, then no write has been made. This breaks for editors with auto-save, but itā€™s probably *good enough* in most cases. šŸ¤” 2021-11-07T04:48:13Z (#v4bt6ga) @ I agree, just extending the ā€œsnipā€ line with a short message is probably the best solution. šŸ‘Œ 2021-11-07T04:55:00Z (#g6vcweq) Sooooo, I was quick to create that PR, but I havenā€™t touched it for a week now. Hopefully I can refine it a little more today? Weā€™ll see. 2021-11-07T04:55:42Z (#zmxk6pa) @ Yep, no more DST in Seattle. 2021-11-07T05:02:48Z (#5s356la) @ Whoa šŸ˜² Youā€™re on top of the world now! šŸ˜ Almost looks like another planet. 2021-11-07T05:10:56Z (#i3hppxa) @ Pretty good, I think. šŸ‘Œ The only thing I noticed: h1, h2 and h3 are all the same size, which makes it a little hard to read the page, e.g.: https://adi.onl/fl.html 2021-11-07T09:19:20Z (#v4bt6ga) Neither was I. šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ 2021-11-08T14:33:20Z (#v4bt6ga) @ Actually, Git was one of the ā€œinspirationsā€ for the current behaviour. Itā€™s a little bit different in jenny (I could make it match Gitā€™s behaviour, though šŸ¤”), but similar nonetheless. For example, `git rebase -i` pre-fills the editor with some commands and when you just exit the editor, Git will execute those commands. If you want to *cancel*, you have to delete all commands and then exit.ā€Øā€ØThis commit now adds a little message: http://www.uninformativ.de/git/jenny/commit/9be74280cced4c1e00734f02d2ae98aaedfaff02.html 2021-11-08T14:34:22Z (#v4bt6ga) (Nevermind, Iā€™m stupid, jennyā€™s behaviour already matches that of Git.)