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1. **Availability**: Yeah, it’s down sometimes. So is my server. Such is life on the internet. If that is truly a concern, maybe we should investigate setting up mirrors. Although, I wonder: Is a short downtime truly a problem? In what situations? Can’t we find other solutions?
2. **Exposure**: This has been brought up earlier, I still don’t get this point. You drown in the noise anyway. There are *so many* projects on GitHub, what makes you think that people will find yours just because it’s on GitHub as well? I still believe that it’s more important that Yarn is discussed on blogs, social media, … (I once tried to publish my music on platforms like SoundCloud. It’s totally pointless. *There is no exposure*, just because you’re on a big platform. Either people have to talk about your stuff anyway, or one of the platform’s algorithms has to kick in and put you on “the front page”. I think the latter is actually much more unlikely! And even if it happens, does it attract the “right” people, i.e. people who want to help and collaborate?)
3. **Ease of collaboration:** This is kind of valid. But then again: We’re talking about developers here, about people who want to contribute to your *code*. They have to dig through and understand that damn code. Should we treat these people like they’re dumb teenagers with an attention span of no more than 30 seconds, so it’s too much to ask to quickly register somewhere? (*If the answer is yes*, isn’t an e-mail address where they can dump their patches a good alternative?) 2021-11-18T06:12:37Z (#42tjxba) @ Heh, you don’t want to know which kind of coffee that is. 🙈 Let’s just say, I’m not a coffee nerd. 2021-11-18T06:40:01Z (#42tjxba) @ Lol, no, it really is coffee. 🤣 Just very, very cheap stuff. 2021-11-18T06:44:04Z (#okvr5aa) Also, let’s not forget that Git itself is decentralised. If people really have to, they can fork the code to *their* GitHub account and send you the link to that. You can pull and merge their changes – with attribution and everything. The only issue here is how to *discuss* those changes, and there are a lot of options for that (mailing list, forums, heck even twtxt itself).

The way I see it, the only *truly* valid reason for GitHub would be: The person who wants to publish their code is not able of hosting it themselves. For whatever reasons. Lack of technical skills, lack of money to pay for a server, stuff like that. Services like GitHub are a blessing in those situations. I don’t think that applies to Yarn, though. 2021-11-18T15:37:02Z (#tujw3na) @ I agree, 03.jpg is great! (And then I noticed the feces on some of the leaves. 🤣 Nature is … well, nature.) 2021-11-19T17:14:05Z (#6uvagma) @ Perfect! Bookmarked for our next meeting at work. 2021-11-19T17:17:21Z (#dc3r2gq) @ Taking photos of lunar eclipses is surprisingly hard. 🤔 You have to find *just* the right exposure time, I guess. 2021-11-19T17:20:35Z (#dc3r2gq) We had a lunar eclipse in 2018:

![lunar eclipse 2018](http://www.uninformativ.de/pics/photo/astro/2018-07-27-mofi-zusammen.jpg)

At the bottom, I tried to take shots of the different phases. Not too happy with it. When the moon is in full shadow, it’s *really* dark. Then when it enters sunlight again, there’s a massive difference in brightness. The human eye / brain can deal with this easily, but not a camera – so either one part of the moon is going to be way too bright, or way too dark. 🌝 🌚 2021-11-19T17:50:29Z (#okvr5aa) @

> The kind of exposure I referred to was developers. Skilled individuals that could join, and/or contribute to the project. Yarn needs that kind of exposure.

That, I understand. 😃 I just don’t think that you’ll get that *just because* it’s hosted on GitHub.

Hmm, maybe I’m misunderstanding or misusing the word “exposure”. 🤔 Sorry. What I mean by “exposure”: You make a painting and hang it on a wall of your apartment = little exposure, just the people that visit you at your home will see it. If you show the painting at an exhibition where there’s 10 other paintings and lots of visitors = large exposure. However, if there are 1000 other paintings at that exhibition = much less exposure, because it won’t stick out that much. To me, GitHub is like an exhibition of paintings but *everyone* can show up at any time and put their painting there, so there’s a *vast* number of paintings and *your* painting will hardly be noticed by anybody. So the mere fact that you’re at an exhibition doesn’t mean that you’ll get lots of exposure.

I mean, I have discovered literally zero projects just because they’re on GitHub. I wouldn’t even know how that works. When I log into GitHub, I see this:

![First page of GitHub](https://movq.de/v/7d6f4b5443/s.png)

Only the stuff on the right where it say “explore repositories” is *new* to me. And it’s completely random – the chance of Yarn showing up there is basically zero. The rest, I already know about it. So how will I discover new and interesting projects that I never heard about? Am I supposed to visit the “stars” pages of the people that I follow and then check out those repos? And look at the list of followers of those people? 🤔 I don’t see how this is going to work out.

Alright, there’s one thing: If one of the people that I follow “stars” a repo, I’ll get notified about that. Maybe something interesting shows up there. That depends *a lot* on which people you’re following, though, and there is absolutely no guarantee that something interesting is going to ever show up.

*But!* @ already mentioned in the past that it’s different for him. Apparently, he *does* discover new projects on GitHub. So *maybe* I’m just not getting that platform and maybe I’m just using it wrong. That’s totally possible! 🤔 2021-11-19T17:52:35Z (#dc3r2gq) @ Yeah, it’s a DSLR on a tripod, that’s it. 🥴 2021-11-19T17:53:55Z (#hmob3aq) @ Can you set aperture size and exposure time on your camera? If yes, it should be doable. 🤔 Granted, maybe you need a zoom lens as well … 2021-11-19T17:58:45Z (#okvr5aa) (At the end of the day, this is just my opinion, of course. I sometimes have extreme views on these issues. And sometimes those views conflict with what the majority is doing. So, yeah. You do you! ✌) 2021-11-19T18:07:41Z Where did @ go? 🤔 2021-11-19T18:08:51Z (#6vtrlvq) @ Holy … wow 😲 Do you happen to have those at a larger resolution? 😊 2021-11-19T19:25:27Z (#5wv2pzq) @ Hmm. 🤔 Where does it recommend projects? Is it that “explore repositories” section from my screenshot? Or is there something else? 2021-11-19T19:27:13Z (#6vtrlvq) @ Great, thanks! Those will make for superb wallpapers. 👌 2021-11-19T19:36:05Z (#gtumowq) @ @ Uhh, I see. 🤔 🙁 Well, jobs and finances are a delicate subject … 2021-11-19T19:41:35Z (#i5bwyjq) I wonder if there’s a limit to mutt’s threading. Guess we’ll soon find out. 2021-11-19T20:01:31Z (#5wv2pzq) @ I see. Hmm. Would you say the “explore repos” thingy is more important or is it the “all activity” page where you can see what the people you’re following did? 2021-11-19T20:03:47Z (#5gwxlaa) @ It’s got to be at least 5! 🤣 2021-11-19T20:04:01Z (#snuag2a) @ 🚨 🚨 🚨 2021-11-19T21:00:05Z (#qx2j5yq) @ Ah, there it is again, the “wut no unicode” reaction. 😁 Well, it’s urxvt, so … nope, no emojis. 2021-11-19T21:00:30Z (#wr47x5q) Lots of space left, we can do this! ![mutt](https://movq.de/v/aba8026773/s.png) 2021-11-19T21:15:03Z (#5wv2pzq) @ So it’s a matter of following the right people (at least in your case). So the assumption behind the “GitHub = exposure” argument is that a significant number of people have actually built a meaningful “social network” on GitHub. They must not use GitHub like I do (i.e., just as a hosting platform for Git and bug trackers), but with the intention of following “interesting” people (which can be different from “friends” and “colleagues”) so that you’ll find neat stuff.

I have *absolutely no idea* if that’s the norm or not. 🤣 I have no data to prove that assumption, nor to prove it wrong. It’s different from my own experience (+ those of colleagues, acquaintances, … none of us use GitHub like that – and I have never experienced one of our repos become popular just because it’s on GitHub and hey, I’ve been on that platform for a decade), but that doesn’t mean anything. I have my doubts but I don’t really know.

🤷 2021-11-20T05:31:52Z (#sr2wrha) @ Hmm, I didn’t get that verification email in quite some time … Makes me wonder, do they track me in a different way now? 🤔 My cookies get wiped every day and I used to get that mail *all the time*, super annoying. 🤬 2021-11-20T05:38:37Z Time to do the groceries. At 7 AM on a Saturday morning, because that’s pretty much the only time when the stores aren’t filled with people. 🙄 2021-11-20T07:00:32Z (#ldogf4a) @ “Click ’n Collect” means you pick your stuff on a web site, possibly pay in advance, and then go to the store to just pick it up? I *think* some stores here offer that, but not those within my reach. I’d have to use my car to get to those other stores. 🤔 2021-11-20T07:12:34Z (#ldogf4a) @ Sounds awesome. I’d use that all the time, pandemic or not. 🤣 2021-11-20T12:31:48Z (#5vucf7a) @ Success! 🥳 2021-11-21T06:25:11Z If [this](https://wiki.debian.org/Subkeys) is the recommended way of handling GPG keys (and it *does* make sense, doesn’t it?), then why is this not the default? 😖 I set up all that GPG stuff over the last week, only to find out that I probably did it wrong/suboptimal. 😡 If Git didn’t have such a tight integration of GPG, I wouldn’t even bother and use something else instead. 🙄 2021-11-21T06:28:37Z (#s2wfhpq) @ Super short video, but lovely bird! 🥰 2021-11-21T06:47:21Z (#o3zytca) @ It’s still ☕ o’clock! Your clock must be wrong! 😂 2021-11-21T06:48:25Z (#bevkn6q) @ Haha, yeah, youdontsay.jpg 😂 2021-11-21T06:59:21Z (#bevkn6q) Oh, how nice, the interactive GPG menus have *hidden commands*: https://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commit;h=9b28b82e7c40d1eacc446d5932cd613c56378ed8 What next, cheat codes? 2021-11-21T08:06:26Z (#vinc6ia) @ Looks good enough to me. 😁 2021-11-21T08:06:47Z (#6dppjfq) @ My first instinct was: “That’s lavender.” Is it, though? 🤔 2021-11-21T09:50:46Z Since the neighbors are super noisy today (my radiator is vibrating from their music), I have to wear noise cancelling headphones anyway, so why not fiddle with the EQ settings of my full-scale bass a bit? 🥴 https://movq.de/v/23498840c5 I’m finally getting closer to the smooth and warm sound that I’m after. 🥳 Not quite happy with the distorted sound yet, but we’re getting there … 2021-11-21T09:51:00Z (#7ibhdlq) On a related note, do FLAC files even play correctly for you? 🤔 2021-11-21T16:41:53Z (#7ibhdlq) @ Wahahah, I’m afraid those kinds of neighbors don’t exist. 🤣 2021-11-21T16:44:34Z (#5mouuia) @ Sattes Grün 😊 💚 2021-11-21T17:53:50Z (#tzvf26q) @ Oh boy, that’s some iPhone magic hard at work. 😁 2021-11-21T17:55:46Z (#7ibhdlq) @ That’s right. 🤔 We should probably move to Lapland or Siberia. It’ll be nice, cozy and warm there in a couple of years. 2021-11-21T20:04:33Z (#e3cqfpa) @ Huh, crazy. 😳 The sky already looks very unreal to me in the original. 🥴 2021-11-21T20:12:23Z I just realized my NUC has a built-in infrared sensor. Let’s see what we can do with that! Too bad that the weekend is already over. 2021-11-22T13:31:07Z (#4ybhe2q) @ More than 5 years. 🤣 2021-11-22T13:34:33Z (#5k7xpxq) @ I don’t think that implies that it’s *only* Australia? Or that it’s *particularly bad* in Australia? 2021-11-22T17:57:02Z (#a2ywy4a) @ Ooooohhhhhh 😲 2021-11-22T20:03:51Z (#4ybhe2q) Neat. I can now control Netflix via the infrared remote control of my TV. 🥳 (My setup is a bit weird, because the NUC dispatches the events via SSH to another machine, but the IR stuff turned out to be pretty simple. Not much to tell here, just use [lirc](http://lirc.sourceforge.net/lirc.org/html/index.html).) 2021-11-24T13:52:34Z (#qqt4ruq) @ Yep, it is. 2021-11-24T13:53:04Z (#vslp3ba) Huh. That twt exposed a bug in jenny. The subject line is completely empty. 🤔 2021-11-24T13:57:11Z (#dpvmpsq) @ Niiiice shots. 😊 Love the dramatic lighting. 👌 2021-11-24T13:58:11Z (#bn7anua) @ I was expecting a bird. 😂 2021-11-24T14:08:56Z (#vslp3ba) No, I’m just an idiot. mutt omits displaying the subject if it’s identical to the parent message. Not a bug, just … unfortunate. 2021-11-25T13:06:50Z (#yilfviq) @ I don’t notice *anything* lately. Super tired and exhausted. 🥱 2021-11-25T15:41:19Z (#yilfviq) Yeah, let’s hope so 😊 2021-11-25T15:42:31Z (#5dh4nia) @ Ohh, I love her comic strips 😁 2021-11-25T17:51:07Z (#mjmmo3q) @ The legend goes that you have to use a polarising filter on your camera if you want to make those shots look good. I haven’t had success with that, though. 🤷 (Yet.) 2021-11-25T18:12:42Z German media says that the UK is running out of alcohol (https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/weltwirtschaft/alkoholengpass-grossbritannien-101.html). 🥴 2021-11-25T18:50:15Z (#d2b6dka) @ Name some examples? 😁 2021-11-25T18:50:36Z (#wgpudjq) @ Sorry, I didn’t mean to spoil your christmas. 😂 😉 2021-11-25T19:27:36Z (#wgpudjq) @ 🤣 2021-11-25T19:28:48Z This is gonna be my favorite excercise from now on. What a lovely little melody! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-ESiIaKJ7w&t=90s 2021-11-25T19:45:29Z (#ulieqlq) @ Haha, yeah, I wonder how many years he’s been practicing that riff. 🥴 It’s going to be “a while” until I’m anywhere near that level. But even doing it very slow is super satisfying. 😊 2021-11-26T13:26:29Z That’s also a funny excercise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HpOJXiImqY

It looks super simple. Then I tried to do it. 🤣 I could *barely* move my ring finger and it took *so much* willpower. 🤣 A crazy experience … I’m getting better at it over time. It’s like I can really feel my brain rewiring itself. 🥴 2021-11-26T15:58:20Z (#xk6wbza) @ Bass here. 😊 “Short stubby fingers”, heh, that sounds familiar. 😁 2021-11-26T17:34:49Z (#d2b6dka) @ Aaahhh, ooohh, I see. 😁 „Es ist alles in der Cloud! Eeeoo, eeeoo …“

I like to own my music, too. I still buy CDs. 2021-11-26T18:11:27Z (#d2b6dka) @ That goes to show that humans are indeed very different. 😁 ✌ 2021-11-26T18:12:17Z (#xk6wbza) @ Practice! 😁 (Assuming you do play some instrument and actually *need* those fingers to do more work.) 2021-11-26T18:55:43Z (#xk6wbza) @ Ya, practice *must* be fun, otherwise it’s pointless. 😕 (I always have to set up a timer that reminds me to *stop*. 🤣 If I didn’t do that, I’d just keep at it for hours, and theeeeen I’d get wrist pain again.)

Hmm, don’t you even use these two fingers for typing? 🤔 2021-11-26T19:02:41Z (#ikhik4q) @ Stellt sich raus: Ist das einzige, was ich von denen kenne. 🥴 2021-11-26T19:04:27Z (#w6gmrma) @ The violet lighting is great. 👌 (Is that violet? I’m not good with colors.)

I’m a little spooked by that “statue”, every single time. 🤣 2021-11-26T19:06:00Z (#ikhik4q) @ Ach nee! „Küssen verboten“ gab’s noch. Uff, das ist dann schon ganz schön awkward. 😂 2021-11-27T06:53:51Z (#7e5bs4a) @ Ooh, not sure I’m qualified. I started a year ago myself. 😅 Some stuff comes to mind (better practice 5 minutes every day than 2 hours only on Saturday; learn scales instead of songs; don’t forget to practice with a metronome every now and then), but it feels like it’s super obvious. 🤪

Well, maybe this: YouTube is full of “backing tracks”. That guy, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLfQ2RI2qoI Have it running in the background and then just improvise over it. Of course, you can’t just hit random notes, so one of the easiest things to do is using a pentatonic scale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCNZy-pGyIo

I struggle with lots of things and one of those is: I have a hard time *anticipating* how it’s going to sound (and feel) when I play this note, then that note, and so on. This was always my problem, even with other instruments. And I now *think* that the reason is: I never actually *played* nor *explored* the instrument, I just repeated excercises or songs. Improvising to a backing track helps me a lot with this. 🤔

But as I said, I’m just a newbie myself. Maybe all I said is garbage. 😁 2021-11-27T07:02:15Z (#xk6wbza) @ Haha, that reminds me … I actually took a touch typing course as a teenager – and we still had to use typewriters. 😂 Not much left of that knowledge, though, and I don’t know *anyone* who strictly follows that system … You’re fine. Just do what allows you to type fast. 😁 2021-11-27T07:06:12Z (#ikhik4q) @ Okay, stimmt, das Mund-Lied kenn’ ich auch noch. 🥴 2021-11-27T11:41:39Z (#xk6wbza) @ Hehe, indeed. I mean, it sounds like a joke these days (“I need to pause anyway, so I can think”), but, well, it’s not like we’re secretaries anymore who only write down what their bosses told them … 2021-11-27T15:00:46Z Wer an Ruhezeiten glaubt, glaubt auch an den Weihnachtsmann. 🙄 😩 2021-11-28T18:24:23Z A-ha! I got a set of flatwound strings for my bass. Now it finally sounds like a *bass* instead of a tin can: https://movq.de/v/56e59facae/2021-11-28--finger-excercise-am-longscale.flac It’s a matter of personal preference, of course, but I like it thumpy. 🤘 2021-11-28T18:25:39Z (#vjc33kq) (Yes, this is my crappy rendition of the pinky/ring finger excercise I posted recently. I hear like a million mistakes, but I hope you don’t. 🥴 Let’s see how it improves over time.) 2021-11-28T18:28:36Z (#vjc33kq) Maybe I’ll add a sponge to the mix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wslZrcc6mMU It screws with the intonation, though, and I’m too lazy at the moment to tweak the setup again. 🤔 2021-11-28T18:33:49Z (#m2y32la) @ Nice! 👌 (Oops, two dead feeds of mine in there. I should probably delete those files.) 2021-11-28T19:57:41Z (#vjc33kq) @ Heh, thanks. 😁 (I intentionally played it at a lower pitch, because I thought it fit the slower speed better … 🤷) 2021-11-28T20:01:18Z Using btrfs on one of my disks now. 🤔 I’m not using any of the fancy features like snapshots or subvolumes. My only reason is: Data checksumming. I’d like to have that as a safety guard in addition to regularly running `sha256sum` in user space. 🤔 Let’s see how it goes … Yes, I do have good backups of that data. 2021-11-29T15:46:39Z (#iyxkf2a) @ We had our first snowflakes, too. 😊 Nothing left of it, though. 2021-11-29T15:47:26Z My twtxt.txt file is now ~330kB in size. I really should get working on that feed archival feature. 🙄 2021-11-29T18:56:42Z (#vjc33kq) @ Once a *week*? That’s a lot. 🤔 There’s 2 TB on it, that’s going to take a while. 🤔 2021-11-29T19:46:48Z (#vjc33kq) @ Let me rephrase: Is there a btrfs-specific reason to do regular scrubs? Or was it just general advice? 2021-11-29T19:48:09Z (#u22jq5q) @ That’s the spirit! 😁 2021-11-29T20:00:25Z (#kfvfaja) @ Nothing. @ mis-forked. 😁 2021-11-30T11:54:32Z (#xockssq) @ I declare: It is! 🥴 2021-11-30T11:55:55Z (#vjc33kq) @ Isn’t a scrub supposed to read *everything*? So, reading 12 TB in 20 minutes would be, what, 10 GB per second? That’s a lot. 😲 2021-12-01T14:26:41Z (#vjc33kq) @ What I don’t understand here: *Why* am I supposed to do this? Does btrfs *require* this, i.e. it can cause real issues if I don’t do it (or not often enough)? Or is the purpose to try to catch hardware errors early on?

The manpage doesn’t state any reason. They simply added that section (“the user is supposed …”) at [some point](https://github.com/kdave/btrfs-progs/commit/4692425c3f84d40b057d3c86adadd546cbde1222) without further explanation. 🤔 2021-12-01T15:54:54Z (#vjc33kq) @ Ah, I see. 👌 2021-12-02T13:05:07Z (#h2h7f3a) @ So far, everything screams “use awk!” 🤣 phillbush/seninha uses it: https://github.com/phillbush/aoc/tree/master/2021 Super short solutions. Let’s see how long this is going to work.

My repo is here: https://uninformativ.de/git/AoC-2021/ – Still trying to learn Rust. 🥴 2021-12-02T14:02:39Z (#h2h7f3a) @ Well, all the tasks so far only involve scanning a file from top to bottom and do a tiny little bit of computation on that data. awk is perfect for this job. Granted, day01b is a little tricky, but the other solutions are super clean, if you ask me. 🤔 2021-12-03T14:25:02Z Have a nice weekend. ✌ // Mac Miller - What’s the Use? (Bass Cover) // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB_gOXV3-4A #NowPlaying 2021-12-03T16:57:39Z (#h2h7f3a) @ One of the other guys from nixers.net is doing it in Octave: https://github.com/henkmet/aoc2021 😁 2021-12-03T17:47:35Z (#6dfjkmq) Applies to Rust, too. 😬 2021-12-03T17:58:09Z (#iyqmdda) @ Nice shots! 👌 Way too cold, if you ask me. 😅 I like to keep my mask on these days … 2021-12-04T04:50:42Z We had a tiny little bit of snow last night: https://movq.de/v/23d47b4356/s.png