# Learn more about twtxt: # https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ # https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-mention.html # # nick = movq # url = https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://www.uninformativ.de/avatar-xmas.png # # For out-of-band replies: `echo ed.vitamrofninu@txtwt | rev` # # This file is available via Gopher, too: # url = gopher://uninformativ.de/0/twtxt.txt # However, since Gopher has no concept of user agents or any kind of # headers, I will not be able to see that you're following me and, thus, # will not be aware of any replies or mentions that you send. Please # either use the HTTPS feed or drop me an email. :) # # Legacy, don't use: # nick_alias = vain # # prev = e4x7yba twtxt-old_2021-12-04_e4x7yba.txt 2021-12-04T05:27:00Z Another update of pango, another breakage in font rendering. I give up on fonts. 2021-12-04T05:30:27Z (#w24xe6a) Especially, I’m giving up on making my own fonts. It’s impossible. I just want a simple bitmap font, monospaced. I can’t do it. I’m too stupid. 🤬 “How hard can it be to make a font of 7x15 pixels in size?“ Very hard, apparently. It now renders as 7x16 pixels. Cool. 2021-12-04T05:36:47Z (#w24xe6a) Oh, nice, it’s not just my own font … 🙄 2021-12-04T06:23:45Z (#w24xe6a) @ Here’s the font that I want:

1. 7x15 pixels in size.
2. Bitmap.
3. Monospace.
4. Bold and regular.
5. Coverage of latin1. More Unicode stuff would be nice, but I can live with that.
6. Good for programming, i.e. `1` must not look the same as `l`.

That’s it.

Points 1 to 4 already rule out 99.999999999999% of the fonts out there. 2021-12-04T06:41:46Z (#vdtwn3q) @ It’s a matter of manpower, if you ask me.

Backwards compatibility in Windows is insanely good. And it has to be! They cannot afford to (intentionally) break things! Microsoft is a huge company, so they can do that.

On the other hand: There’s just a bunch of people doing font stuff on Linux. Really, it’s just very, very few people who really know what they’re doing. Let’s be generous and say it’s 10 people.

Now that we have Unicode and color emojis and High-DPI screens and what not, those 10 people have to get their priorities straight. Dealing with fonts is hard enough as it is, but those modern requirements are basically insane. You *need* a large company to get this right. Here’s an example: They dropped support for some older font formats last year. This would never have happened on Windows. But the font guys on Linux didn’t have a choice. Support for those formats made their code more complex – and just few people still use those formats. Well, not really, a lot actually, but there are converters, so you can take your old format and convert it to a new one. (This conversion process is the root cause of my current issue.)

Linux works well-ish on a desktop, but there’s a serious lack of manpower in some areas. Fonts is one of them.

The proper solution for me would be to get involved, report the issue, track it down, maybe provide a patch. Sad thing is, I cannot do that anymore. At least not for something as complex as fonts. I’m pretty much burnt out already and I have zero motivation to sift through this madness. 2021-12-04T07:22:22Z (#w24xe6a) @ Yes, thanks for the suggestion. I have. It’s not a bitmap font.

Non-bitmap fonts look absolutely terrible. I have tried to switch numerous times, but they just make my brain hurt. 😬 2021-12-04T08:04:35Z (#w24xe6a) @ Bitmap fonts are fonts that are defined/designed in pixels. They are supposed to appear on screen exactly as they were drawn.

Non-bitmap fonts are vectors, like SVG. When displaying them, you inevitably get a ton of rounding errors -- the vectors don’t really fit the pixel grid of your monitor. As a result, you need “hinting” and anti-aliasing. It’s insanely complex. (I’m really surprised that rendering of vector fonts is fast enough to be usable.)

Long story short: Bitmap fonts are 100% crisp (but not scalable), vector fonts are freely scalable (but not crisp). 2021-12-04T08:18:40Z (#w24xe6a) @ Hmmm, I already knew that site, but I might check it again. 🤔 Thanks! 2021-12-04T10:11:43Z (#w24xe6a) @ [fiamf3](https://uninformativ.de/git/fiamf3) – “fiamf is a monospace font”. 🥴 2021-12-04T10:12:08Z (#bqof3za) @ Brace for impact! ☔ 2021-12-04T10:16:35Z (#e4x7yba) @ Hmm, probably only a matter of time until they do the same over here. 😦

I don’t really remember how the street lights used to look here. That orange stuff is “new”, they switched to those lamps like 15 or 20 years ago. I think it was a neutral white before that. 🤔 I just remember that these “orange” lights were really strange at first … 😁 2021-12-04T13:11:14Z My feed has now been rotated. The code in jenny is still experimental. I’ll push it once I’ve tested it for a while. 2021-12-04T13:19:50Z (#i4o4niq) Also, the GPG signature is gone. Not sure when/if it’ll come back. 2021-12-04T13:25:42Z (#524moga) @ Lovely 💚 Where was that again, Norway? 2021-12-04T13:28:21Z (#i4o4niq) @ They’d have to traverse the `prev` fields (listed in metadata at the header of the feed). jenny doesn’t do that automatically (yet), but this must be implemented. Otherwise, there’s a risk of missing twts. 2021-12-04T13:29:46Z (#i4o4niq) @ The feed archival stuff is documented here: https://dev.twtxt.net/doc/archivefeedsextension.html 2021-12-04T13:55:32Z (#3vfgorq) @ What a coincidence, I’m planning to do this soon™, too! 🤣 2021-12-04T13:59:49Z (#ltytllq) @ It’s pronounced “Catherine”.

Just kidding. 🥴

Yeah, it’s a reference to the `movq` instruction. I’ve never said it out loud, though. 🤣 “Move Q”, “mov-q”, something like that.

Now the big question: How to pronounce lyse? 🤔 (I’d go with “lühse”, because uhm, “lice” would be strange.) 2021-12-04T14:02:00Z (#e4x7yba) Turned out to be a Shitty McShit day, btw. No need to be envious. 🥴 2021-12-04T15:01:09Z (#ltytllq) @ There – kind of – is a story.

I sometimes write `x86_64` assembler just for fun. It’s rare, but it happens. In 2019, I had quite a bit of wrist issues, so I couldn’t type a lot. I still went to work, so, well, I still had to type a couple of hours every day (which is *a lot*, if you think about it).

During that time, I had a little pet project where I wrote a simple `grep` in asm:


Skim through the code and you’ll already see a ton of `movq` instructions. It’s a very basic and common instruction.

The punchline is: I wasn’t really able to finish this project (due to those wrist issues), but I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally wanted to. So I put the keyboard on the floor and wrote like 50% of that code using my feet. Yes, you read that correctly. 🥴 Yes, I am crazy. And this somehow got stuck in my head. movq movq movq movq movq movqmovqmoqvmom … I was quite literally dancing it. 🥴 💃 When I got fed up with my previous nick name, I searched for a new one for quite a while, but couldn’t find anything good. So I just chose `movq`, because it was floating around in my head anyway (and I already had the domain). 🤷 2021-12-04T15:18:18Z Well, I think I just lost the “Advent of Code” game (my personal private version of it, anyway). I did day 04 in Python, because I couldn’t conjure up the motivation to do it in Rust. 🤦 2021-12-04T16:24:13Z (#b6ugi2q) @ 🤣 Wo ein Wille, da ein Weg …

Yeah, everything’s fine now, but I am very careful these days and I pay close attention to what my body is telling me … It’s managable. 👌 2021-12-04T16:24:42Z (#ltytllq) Now that we have that sorted out, I wanna hear your back stories. 😁 2021-12-04T16:27:11Z (#ltytllq) @ 🤣 2021-12-04T16:56:29Z (#qei2gja) @ Wait, that’s your real name? 😲 That’s rare! 2021-12-05T08:28:10Z (#i4o4niq) @ My goal was to keep the files at “a few kilobyte”. 100 lines of twts gets you to around ~25 kB, so I went with that.

I’m not 100% sure about those file names. I certainly want to have the date in there. To avoid collisions, I included the hash. Another way to avoid collisions would be to just use the full date or a UNIX timestamp. 🤔 2021-12-05T08:32:05Z (#i4o4niq) FYI @ @

I pushed the experimental code to jenny’s public repo.

Be aware that it will rotate your files as soon as you run `jenny -e` or write a new twt. The default number of twts per file is 100.

I hope it’s bug-free, but if you find one, please tell me.

Date-based rotation is not yet implemented and I’m not 100% sure if I’m going to – do we *really* need that? The main goal of this feature is to keep the files *small* and I think that “number of twts” is a good measurement for this. But dates? When you write 100 twts per day, you’ll get huge files again. 🤷 2021-12-05T08:44:43Z (#e5dka5a) @ I didn’t give up *entirely*. 😁 Just didn’t reach my goal of doing it all in Rust.

I’m a bit surprised that each task has nothing to do with the previous one. You basically write a new program every day. That really promotes “quick and dirty” solutions. 🤔 I was expecting that the tasks build on each other, like, we’ll have a fully functional submarine at the end. 🥴 You probably didn’t expect that, either – I mean, your solutions in Go are waaaay over-engineered. 😂 2021-12-05T09:27:24Z (#e5dka5a) @ Awww, why, Visual Basic was great! 😂 It was so easy to make cute little GUI programs … 2021-12-05T10:15:30Z (#nzpilqa) @ You mean like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMWrrCJuGu0 🥴 2021-12-05T10:16:28Z (#swoihsq) @ Probably. The thing is, I only discovered Delphi after VB. Plus, VB was “the natural thing to do” anyway, since I started out with Basic. 😁 2021-12-05T10:18:09Z (#5dzebga) @ Sweet!

That’s a semic-acoustic guitar with piezo pickups, right? 🤔 2021-12-05T10:33:58Z (#rfufjaq) @ I have no idea, I’ve never used that VBA thingy. 🤔 2021-12-05T11:31:09Z (#ezsdbuq) @ It’s a new thing. I mean, e-mail easily predates Unicode anyway. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_and_email My mail server (OpenSMTPD) doesn’t even support it yet. 😬 2021-12-05T11:32:39Z (#5dzebga) @ That thing costs more than I spent – in total – on all my audio equipment. 😂 I guess I’m cheap … 2021-12-05T13:07:52Z (#txo4aoq) @ I have a very hard time understanding all of that. What’s the problem being solved by “Web3”? 🤔 The whole article reads like satire. 2021-12-05T17:48:01Z (#i4o4niq) @ Ahh, ohh. Well, that should be fixable. :-) 2021-12-05T18:30:46Z (#i4o4niq) @ Yeah, you can configure it: `max_twts_per_rotation` in `conf.json`. 2021-12-05T20:48:21Z (#i4o4niq) @ Yeah, but hold your horses. As @ has pointed out, this is *too* backwards-incompatible (I thought I could get away with it :-)). I’ll have to tweak those settings again to allow for custom filenames (i.e., `stackeffect.txt` or `twt.txt` instead of `twtxt.txt`). 2021-12-05T21:18:35Z (#kyexa7a) @ Exactly, that one! 🤣 (Honestly, I’m not sure which BASIC interpreter was the *first* one I/we used. GWBASIC certainly was among them. I did most of the stuff with QB45 a bit later. And then a looooot more with VB5 on Windows 95 … Oh dear. 🥴 I never made it to VB6, though.) 2021-12-06T16:12:48Z (#s26j2ca) @ Funny how we failed to specify this in [the metadata extension](https://dev.twtxt.net/doc/metadataextension.html). As the whole file is encoded as UTF-8, it’s technically legal to use any UTF-8 string for `nick`, eh? 🥴

Might break stuff in jenny/mutt, but I haven’t tested it. 2021-12-06T16:46:44Z (#apv7rza) @ Mhh, there’s no easy way. We would have to add a command line option for this. Changing `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` could work, but that will have lots of side effects. 2021-12-06T17:42:39Z (#s26j2ca) @ @ Too tired to check, but: Is non-ASCII allowed in HTTP referers? 2021-12-06T17:46:35Z (#qr2zwmq) Errr. User agent, of course. 2021-12-06T18:19:02Z (#qr2zwmq) @

> we probably need to implement encoding

Not sure if want. 😕 2021-12-06T18:20:45Z Oh god, today’s AoC fish quiz requires using your brain. Not sure if I can do that. 2021-12-06T21:04:08Z (#t7koaka) Got it. Finally. This wasn’t fun *at all*. I hate my discipline. 🙄 2021-12-06T21:14:09Z (#t7koaka) @ Whisky, probably. 🥴 (Although, better not. Got another vaccination shot on Wednesday.) 2021-12-07T15:02:11Z (#fxtbjda) @ The big question is: Is it *static* light or does it BLINK LIKE CRAZY EVEN AT NIGHT BRRRRRRR? 🥴 2021-12-07T15:04:11Z (#t7koaka) Well, today’s quiz was trivial, so … 🤷 2021-12-07T17:26:44Z (#yr73tba) @ When I read “gated community”, I cannot help but think about this lovely episode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcadia_(The_X-Files) 😂 2021-12-07T17:28:14Z (#ws2ua2a) @ That blue is great, though. 😊 Fits perfectly. 2021-12-07T17:32:52Z (#fokhpwa) @ You should be able to set `local_twtxt_filename_format` now. 🤔

I feel like `README` will need a rework soon. There’s a lot of options now. Or maybe a manpage instead. 2021-12-07T18:20:41Z (#bymdbmq) @ Lol, in welches YouTube-Loch bin ich denn jetzt gefallen … 🤣🤣🤣 2021-12-08T12:13:58Z (#tluyq3a) @ 🤣

The weirdest thing about Boney M. is: That guy is just dancing – and lip-syncing. The vocals were done by Frank Farian. So, uhm … I don’t know how to put this into words. 😂 “Hey, you! Come over here! We have a song. Now you jump around! Wiggle your arms! Yaaay! Now drop on the floor! Now get back up! Yaaaay! That’s what people want to see!”

Dunno, this is super bizarre to me. 😂 It’s got a strong Rick & Morty vibe …

But hey. It’s a catchy tune. 2021-12-08T12:16:08Z (#tluyq3a) (… and meanwhile the audience sits quietly and listens carefully …) 2021-12-08T16:12:42Z (#524moga) @ Oof! This is one of my nightmares. Being stuck in traffic for hours on end … 😨 2021-12-08T16:51:51Z Funny quote from IRC: “LDAP seems to be the langua frinca of user management” 🥴🥴🥴 2021-12-08T18:20:58Z The original song is dull and bleak compared to this cover. Awesome groovy bass line. 😍 // Lana Del Rey - Off to the Races (Bass Cover by Julia) // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27w_gzrEvPU #NowPlaying 2021-12-08T19:26:04Z How long is the TTL of the avatar cache on twtxt.net? Changed mine yesterday. 🥴 2021-12-09T15:39:09Z Ohhhh fuck, that third vaxx shot screwed me up real good. 😵 What a day … 🤒 2021-12-09T15:40:10Z (#nxmor5q) @ Alrighty then. I just changed the file name. It’s temporary anyway, just for christmas time. 🧑‍🎄 🐧 2021-12-09T18:26:22Z (#vnuhu4a) @ It does? 🤔 Mine doesn’t. The code should use `join()` everywhere, so it shouldn’t matter. But I’m still a bit dizzy, I’ll check tomorrow. 👌 2021-12-09T18:27:44Z (#s66gdoq) @ Yeah, indeed. The arm hurts like shit, that might take a little longer. But everything else should be fine. 👌

I don’t wanna know what the real Covid is like … 😨 2021-12-09T18:29:51Z (#j2adrsq) @ Go for it! We could use a larger variety of clients. 😊 2021-12-09T18:30:30Z (#dx6wy3a) @ Everybody has a Google account. Some people just don’t know it. 😈 2021-12-10T14:04:00Z (#s66gdoq) @ Almost, yeah. Gets better by the hour. 😊 2021-12-11T06:35:15Z Ha, look at all your fancy santa hats! 😂 (Is that a word? Santa hat? Is that what it’s called? 🥴🧑‍🎄) 2021-12-11T06:38:21Z (#43xbqpa) @ Let’s see if we get a white christmas this year. 🤞 2021-12-11T08:11:18Z Alright, except for that one day, the [AoC](https://adventofcode.com/2021) quizzes are actually quite fun. I might go back and do the previous years, once this one is over. 🤔 2021-12-11T09:31:04Z A confession: Instead of typing on my phone, I regularly do this on a real computer: `echo 'my chat message 🥴' | qr`, then read and decode that code on the phone. 😬 2021-12-11T09:36:18Z (#2f3cmma) @ Yeah, the quizzes are relatively short, but it can still take 1-3 hours to do one of them. It’s a bit tough to do that during normal weekdays (instead of the weekend). 😳 2021-12-11T10:05:11Z (#5mvkpgq) @ 😅

1. `echo foo | qr` prints a QR code for the string `foo` in my terminal on my desktop PC.
2. I scan that code on my phone and copy it to the clipboard.
3. I paste the phone’s clipboard into a chat client on the phone.

Sounds bizarre? Yes, it is! 🤣 Still a lot easier than *typing* on a phone. I hate that. A lot. It takes forever.

(Some stuff is available *only* on a smartphone, so I can’t just do it all on my desktop …) 2021-12-11T10:34:56Z (#43xbqpa) @ Really? I would have thought that you guys down there get more snow. 🤔 I do remember quite a few years with snow on christmas. 🤔 2021-12-11T18:33:59Z Today’s AoC and https://ncase.me/fireflies/ were the motivation to do this: https://movq.de/v/362f111f07/fireflies.py – They’ll all sync up eventually and flash in unison! 🪰 2021-12-12T08:26:25Z (#vd2takq) @ I think you mean [Braun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braun_(company)), but even that company makes more than just shavers. 2021-12-12T10:49:03Z (#gfjcpma) @ … hey, are you my upstairs neighbour? 🤣 2021-12-13T13:10:49Z TIL: http://lenna.org/ 2021-12-13T18:11:46Z (#qzhtjoa) @ This is a Matschpilzkran. It matschpilzkrans. 🥴

(The weather on those pics looks horrible. Cold, wet, bah. 😅) 2021-12-13T18:14:49Z (#weph26a) Slavery just has different names these days.

… and we all benefit from it (i.e., abuse these people). Bought something on Amazon the other day and it probably wasn’t the last time. 🙄😬 Let alone … clothes … and … basically everything. 🤬 2021-12-13T18:43:38Z (#q4bk4ta) @ Yeah, I used that one quite a bit! 😁 Although not as much as I expected:

$ find uni* C -type f -exec grep glutSolidTeapot '{}' '+' 2>/dev/null
uni200802WS/CG-Prakt/Bergsee2/GPGPUDemo.cpp: //glutSolidTeapot(1.0);
uni200802WS/CG-Prakt/Bergsee/GPGPUDemo.cpp: //glutSolidTeapot(1.0);
uni200802WS/CG-2/pub/ShaderAlternate/ShaderAlternate/ShaderAlternate.cpp: case 0: glutSolidTeapot(1.0); break;
uni200802WS/CG-2/pub/ShaderBasic/ShaderBasic.cpp: case 0: glutSolidTeapot(1.0); break;
uni201102WS/BA-M/CG/testcode/shader2-wobble/shad.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(0.4);
uni201102WS/BA-M/CG/testcode/shader1-phong/shad.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(0.4);
C/OpenGL/000-archive/Arcball/Arcball.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(1.0);
C/OpenGL/000-archive/shader-test/main.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(1.0);
C/OpenGL/000-archive/shader-test/glutglsl-unix/ogl.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(1);
C/OpenGL/000-archive/ex003/yat.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(0.5);

(Probably not all short little test programs with a `glutSolidTeapot()` call in them survived.) 2021-12-13T18:44:54Z (#q4bk4ta) (… we used Lena/Lenna a lot, too, but I didn’t know, well, “the full picture”. It’s actually quite a bit awkward.) 2021-12-13T18:50:38Z (#weph26a) @ 😨 That doesn’t sound too good. 2021-12-14T16:43:05Z (#q4bk4ta) @ Heh. Cup of tea. 🥴 2021-12-14T16:53:30Z Spent the better part of this afternoon chasing some weird noises from my bass. Turns out: It was my headpones. 🤦 2021-12-14T18:02:15Z I’ll start implementing this now:


Or this, not sure yet:

https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/pulls/494#issuecomment-6214 2021-12-14T18:23:25Z Are You Shpongled? 🤯 // Shpongle - Behind Closed Eyelids // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2bU6glBGVw #NowPlaying 2021-12-14T18:51:41Z (#q64ho7q) @ Ha, nice! 😁 It’s easily the best track of that album. 😊 I first heard this ages ago, semi-drunk, deep in the night, on some “internet radio”. Blew my mind. 2021-12-17T16:24:57Z Oops. Did nothing but Advent of Code these past few days. 😳 So adictive. Once I finished the quiz of the day, I either optimized it as best as I could or went back to previous years and did some of those puzzles … 😳 2021-12-17T16:54:54Z (#hi5wfiq) Yay, vacation! 🥳 2021-12-17T17:00:42Z (#2z4uj7q) @ Do you at least tell them when they screwed up? 😅 Not that it necessarily helps, most people never learn – but some do! 2021-12-17T18:24:55Z (#zhhrrjq) @ I’d usually reply with some sarcastic comment, but I’m on vacation now and I don’t care about greedy companies at the moment. 😊

(Hmm. That might still count as one such comment, huh? 🤔) 2021-12-17T19:20:06Z (#r42s24a) @ Meanwhile, I battle to have more than 30% rel. hum. in my appartment in winter. 🤣 Super cold air from the outside comes in, then gets heated up → relative humidity drops to super low values. My nose gets so dry, I sometimes can’t smell anything anymore. 2021-12-17T19:21:06Z (#tf4i4sa) @ Training? 🤔 2021-12-17T19:41:29Z (#zhhrrjq)

> writing a program often just becomes an exercise in finding the right modules and gluing them together correctly

![](https://movq.de/v/1048b5d325/no-god-no.gif) 2021-12-18T07:23:19Z (#tf4i4sa) @ Wait, your company requires you to attend a training before you’re allowed to contribute to a FOSS project (on behalf of your company)? Did I understand that correctly? 😲 2021-12-18T21:07:15Z (#neho6la) @ +1 🤔 2021-12-20T17:45:01Z Still completely lost in Advent of Code. I’ll have to catch up with you guys soon. 🥴 2021-12-23T18:13:38Z (#z7yuyrq) @ a) 01.jpg is an awesome shot 😍 b) So is *this* “the woman in the red dress”? 🤔 2021-12-23T18:16:42Z Advent of Code is nearing its end. So here’s a shot from yesterday evening. 🥴 https://movq.de/v/8e7bba2666/abend.jpg #Jupiter #Saturn #Venus