# Learn more about twtxt: # https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ # https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-mention.html # # nick = movq # url = https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://www.uninformativ.de/avatar.png # # For out-of-band replies: `echo ed.vitamrofninu@txtwt | rev` # # This file is available via Gopher, too: # url = gopher://uninformativ.de/0/twtxt.txt # However, since Gopher has no concept of user agents or any kind of # headers, I will not be able to see that you're following me and, thus, # will not be aware of any replies or mentions that you send. Please # either use the HTTPS feed or drop me an email. :) # # Legacy, don't use: # nick_alias = vain # # prev = f6y65bq twtxt-old_2021-12-23_f6y65bq.txt 2021-12-23T18:20:47Z I guess there’s been a change in yarn’s API. My “who’s following me” script is broken. 🥴 Gotta catch up on that … Haven’t been following the twtxt world at all lately. 🙈 2021-12-23T18:22:01Z Uh, my feed just got rotated again. I guess you now missed two twts. 2021-12-24T14:28:50Z (#uf2joiq) @ Wahahahahahahah. I’d rather go back doing Advent of Code. Real life sucks. In AoC, all problems are clearly stated and there’s a definite solution! 🤣 But yeah, we did: “For all feeds (main and archived), the url fields of the main feed shall be used for twt hashing. (There can be multiple url fields in the main feed, see the page metadata extension on how to select the correct one.)” 2021-12-24T14:43:08Z (#uf2joiq) @ But in all seriousness, I agree, we should implement this properly. (Workarounds have their own issues. If I simply introduced a small overlap between rotations, who guarantees that other clients check my feed often enough … How large should the overlap be … and so on.) 2021-12-24T14:44:14Z (#qqapyca) @ Thanks man 😊 (I’d use it as a wallpaper myself, but, well, I can just look out the window. 😂) 2021-12-24T14:45:31Z (#isbh5nq) @ Ha, nice! We had one of those, too! 2021-12-24T14:48:41Z Today’s puzzle in Advent of Code was to reverse-engineer a short snippet of “assembly” code. That was a lot of fun! Best quiz so far, if you ask me. Could be done entirely by hand, no need to implement large amounts of algorithms or overly clever ones. 👌 2021-12-26T16:56:43Z (#chij6mq) @ Yeah, sure, I’ll hop in tomorrow. 👌 2021-12-26T17:03:19Z (#2j6ujvq) @ The JSON output of URLs like `curl https://twtxt.net/whoFollows?followers=1234&token=foobar` changed completely, apparently. It’s not *broken*, just different. 😅 Not a big deal, I’ll just have to adjust my little script. 2021-12-26T17:13:48Z (#2j6ujvq) … aaaand it’s fixed. 2021-12-27T14:21:24Z A while back, you guys asked how to pronounce my nickname “movq”. The surprising answer to this question can be found in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9_FYRAfyqQ (If you’re impatient, watch the segment starting at 10:10.) 🥴 🇫🇮 #Suomi #Perkele #Torille 2021-12-27T14:36:30Z (#ohjwmda) @ I love that accent. 😁

I’m realizing that I know very little about early Linux. He says that X11 was already available and there were lots of drivers and filesystems and what not. That’s after only *three* years of development? 🤔 Simpler times. 🤔 2021-12-27T19:04:08Z (#ohjwmda) (I think that tape’s playback speed was a tiny little bit too slow. Slightly eerie. 😁) 2021-12-28T18:57:29Z This was a very quiet day in the txtwt world. Did something break? 🤔 2021-12-29T10:41:30Z (#tagl2xq) Phew. 🥴

@ /me looks confused at the ceiling, noticing that there’s no wallpaper there. 🤔 2021-12-29T10:46:37Z (#5ngszda) @ I have to confess, I never fully understood this tagging business. 🤔 I just have a directory per artist, then a directory per album (then maybe a directory per CD, if it’s more than one). Alright, no, that’s a lie. I do have additional playlists (m3u files) for certain genres. 🤔 Good thing of this is that it doesn’t require *any* particular player … 2021-12-29T10:50:40Z (#w24xe6a) Finally took the time to fix this yesterday. My font works fine again, even though I don’t *fully* understand what was going on. I’d have to write my own OpenType parser which dumps those files in a human readable format. Such a tool does not exist, apparently? Maybe next year … 2021-12-29T13:00:12Z (#l6a3vuq) @ There’s me! And me! 2021-12-29T13:05:13Z (#w24xe6a) @ Many bitmap fonts are created as [BDF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glyph_Bitmap_Distribution_Format) files, so are mine. They can be converted to [PCF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Compiled_Format) without major issues, but the Pango stack can no longer read PCF files (since 1 or 2 years ago). So they now have to be converted to [OpenType](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenType), which is a bit more involved and apparently more things can break. Among those breaking things: The information how large your font is. 😬 Looks like the conversion process that I (and some other people) used added a bogus “line gap”. So, during the conversion, it must now be stated explicitly that the line gap shall be zero: https://www.uninformativ.de/git/fiamf3/file/Makefile%2Ehtml#l22 2021-12-29T16:58:04Z (#ozjoq4a) @ Yep, the OTB files are in the repo. 👌 2021-12-30T07:42:11Z (#j2edwcq) @ Haha, well, I’ve been trying to learn it for a while now. I’m always *this* close to giving up, though. 😂

Rust has *so many* language features, it’s really hard to learn them all (and keep up with the new ones!). 😓 For some reason, I don’t like/trust Go, but honestly, Go is probably the better language. Go is a modern C, Rust is a modern C++. Ever tried to learn C++? 2021-12-30T11:51:36Z “Please don’t call the cops! The car will be towed tomorrow! Best regards, Amazon” 🥴🥴🥴 https://movq.de/v/01ce073289/ 2021-12-30T11:53:19Z (#kdfqjia) @ ✅ 2021-12-30T12:41:34Z (#klc2rjq) @ I don’t have a clue. Found this car in our neighborhood. This is not a road, not even close to one. 🥴 Maybe the guy tried to take a shortcut and then … I don’t know what then. 2021-12-30T15:25:38Z (#6dlgwra) @ Ha! 😂 That raises an interesting question: How took the packages? And is “my” truck full of packages, too? 2021-12-30T15:26:23Z (#n3tr6iq) @ I wouldn’t know! 😂 I don’t even know how long that thing has been there. I’ll check on it tomorrow. 😂 2021-12-31T05:51:45Z (#uckocoa) @ Ah, so we call it twtxtv2 now. 😅 2021-12-31T06:18:40Z (#vgxay4a) @ If you ask me, this kind of was the point. Inform users about what happens to their data. We now see the “full” extent of it (or at least a larger part). Annoying and *long* popups everywhere – because there are so many parties involved, advertising, tracking, some just serving JS or fonts, … This simply exposes the current WWW for what it is.

Most websites that need these large disclaimers are doing something wrong and shouldn’t be used.

The sad thing is: Nobody cares.

If every website with a large annoying cookie popup had lost their users, things might have turned out differently. But nope. People don’t care. They don’t want to be “informed”. They just want the content. 2021-12-31T07:00:04Z (#4xvoydq) @ IANAL. 🤷 But I *think* it could be done like this: Aren’t those cookies only relevant for users that are *logged in*? So, couldn’t there just be a short notice, like 1 or 2 sentences, on the login screen? And only *then* do you set the cookies?

So, casual users who just browser twtxt.net don’t get anything. Once you log in, you are informed about the cookie. Done. No annoying popup needed. 🤔 🤷 2021-12-31T07:11:18Z (#4xvoydq) (My proposal is probably still on the super-safe side. Yarn.social doesn’t *work* without those cookies. So, yeah, maybe the notice can be dropped altogether. But I’m not sure. And my proposal is very unobtrusive (unlike a massive cookie banner), so I’d personally go with that. 🤷) 2021-12-31T07:15:20Z While you guys are already talking about NYE, we just had our sunrise: https://movq.de/v/48cbb025dd 2021-12-31T10:55:40Z (#7ee3vzq) @ It’s 11:55 now, so just a little over 12 hours left. 😂 2021-12-31T11:47:24Z (#klc2rjq) Welp, it’s gone now. How boring! 😂 https://movq.de/v/dce88ea07b/ 2022-01-01T07:37:31Z Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020 Round 3! 🥳 2022-01-01T14:23:18Z (#5cbo2na) @ Ahh, that kind of thing. (Lol, at that Dresden reference.) 2022-01-01T14:23:28Z (#hk4bsqa) @ No. No. No! 2022-01-01T14:24:03Z (#zd74x3a) @ It’s 2038, so pleeeeeeenty of time left. :p 2022-01-01T14:25:03Z (#nns3bdq) @ At meteor?! So it *was* the end of the world? Why are we still here, jumped to another timeline? 🤔 2022-01-01T15:10:13Z (#m4bxjdq) @ 😱 2022-01-03T15:36:26Z (#36vfoyq) Took a moment until I actually started doing it. I’ve got a first prototype running now. The code isn’t public, yet.

It’s a bit hard to actually test this. My feed is the only one that has a `prev` field, isn’t it? 🥴 2022-01-03T16:34:39Z There’s a pretty annoying “bug” in jenny: A while ago, jenny stopped processing twts which are older than the newest twt we already saw. This was done to allow users to delete twts from their mailboxes (without these changes, deleted twts would just reappear).

Downside of this: We never notice edits of older twts. I just wiped my `~/.cache/jenny` and did a clean refresh → Lots of edited twts popped up, I never saw them before. Sometimes this broke threading, too.

Not sure how to deal with this. I don’t see a way to avoid this, other than introducing a *second* database of all twts we saw (I won’t do this). 2022-01-03T16:48:11Z (#7yuuf5a) Hmpf, editing twts also confuses that new machinery to fetch archived feeds. 2022-01-03T17:19:15Z I learned about the existence of Bass Ukuleles a while ago, but I didn’t realize how ridiculously huge the strings look on these things. 🤣 Look at the tuning pegs! ![](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/Bass_Ukulele_2.jpg) 2022-01-03T17:59:26Z (#7caamlq) @ Are you one of those people that did [Advent of Code](https://adventofcode.com) using Excel? 😁 2022-01-04T06:55:04Z (#7yuuf5a) @ Yeah, that won’t really work with jenny. 🤔 Once stuff is written to a mailbox, jenny won’t touch again (i.e., there’s no “cache” to “expire”). This model is simple to implement, but it really doesn’t cope well with edits. 2022-01-04T06:57:02Z (#p7bta7q) @ Lol, no, I won’t get one of these. 😁 I already have two basses, which is one too many, but couldn’t resist … 2022-01-04T07:00:12Z (#p7bta7q) @ Here’s a demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1eunn_7rfc 😅 2022-01-04T07:37:23Z (#7yuuf5a) @ Yes, that’s what I did in earlier versions. But I now skip *all* twts if they have a timestamp older than what I’ve already seen. This includes edited twts, of course. (This is done to allow users to delete twts from their mailboxes or move them into different ones.)

I mean, it’s not a big drama … Edits don’t happen *that often*. Still irks me a bit.

(The mailbox model simply doesn’t fit 100%. True e-mails can’t be edited. twtxt feeds can.) 2022-01-04T10:02:30Z (#p7bta7q) @ The red strings are much “brighter”, they have more pronounced higher overtones. Is that better? Probably mostly personal preference. Will you hear it in a mix? Most likely not. 🥴

Listen to the sample starting at 7:55 where she plays without an amp. That does sound a lot like a Ukulele to me. 😁 But yeah, when played through an amp, not a lot of that feeling is left. 2022-01-04T12:40:01Z I was running `ncdu` in my `~/Mail` and was surprised that the biggest mailbox of all is the ones with the OpenBSD mailing lists. 🥴 There are some massive mails in there and then a long tail of medium-sized mails. This all sums up to ~1.1 GB. 🥴 I’ve only been subscribed to these lists since the end of 2017 …

![](https://movq.de/v/34f692ef07/s.png) 2022-01-04T12:44:03Z (#noasmxq) What makes these mails so big: People attach photos of their crashed systems and then don’t bother resizing them. So you get lots of 2-10 MB large JPEGs. Great. 🥴 2022-01-04T14:01:20Z (#6if2mfa) @ How are you learning this language? Bought a book? I mean, there’s probably no free software project out there that uses COBOL, so … how do you get started with this language? 🤔 2022-01-04T17:44:46Z (#noasmxq) @ @ 😂 2022-01-04T17:46:21Z (#5zvijaa) @ Dunno. Maybe that’s the recommended way, because the chances of a typo are too big. 🤔 2022-01-05T07:25:46Z (#5zvijaa) 😅

To be fair, you can’t do “copy to clipboard” anymore when the kernel crashed. 😅 Taking a picture is a good idea. But it doesn’t need to be 4000x3000 pixels in size, nor does it need to show the person’s room. 2022-01-05T07:28:42Z (#dvb5xda) @ Well, humans don’t respect the Lebensraum of birds, so why should birds respect ours. 😈

(TIL: “Lebensraum” is used in english, yes?) 2022-01-05T08:22:07Z (#urcpceq) @ GREMLINS?! 😱 2022-01-05T08:23:58Z (#mifr7ia) @ The examples you listed don’t sound right to me. Google Translates translates “Lebensraum” to “habitat”, which is what I was looking for. I usually use [dict.leo.org](https://dict.leo.org/german-english/lebensraum), though … 2022-01-05T08:26:12Z Moved a large pile of old wall tiles yesterday. Now I’m sore like hell. Guess I won’t be doing anything today – my last day of vacation. 🥴 2022-01-05T15:16:37Z (#pmuxjia) @ Looks so warm and cozy with all that sunshine – but I’ve just been outside myself, cannot recommend. 🥴 Also: Mistook 11.jpg for a human skull at first. 😅 2022-01-05T19:07:09Z (#vj7uh3a) @ I was outside today and it was +4°C. That was cold enough, thank you very much. 😅 I’ll never understand why our ancestors moved to places this cold. We should have stayed in Africa! 2022-01-06T14:41:03Z (#b4oqhuq) @ Nah, those were left-overs from last time. 😅 That stuff kept lying around … until now. 2022-01-06T14:46:14Z (#rkob6ea) @ “Generics” and “traits” is where stuff is starting to get … “interesting”. 😅 2022-01-06T14:49:49Z (#65io2na) @ Well, at least it’s looking good now. 😊 2022-01-06T16:58:59Z (#rkob6ea) @ Also, at some point, you’re going to appreciate this web site: https://turbo.fish/ 🤣 2022-01-06T20:28:50Z Epic! 🤘 Almost looks like it was filmed in @’s backyard, but it’s someplace else. 😅 // Finsterforst - Mach’ dich frei // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLvjCzMrDps #NowPlaying 2022-01-07T16:03:02Z (#xhx4t4a) @ Wait, Delta.chat explicitly says just that: “Messaging over email”. So why were you upset when it wanted to know your IMAP server? 🤔 2022-01-07T16:21:47Z (#gt265kq) @ @ I can’t understand some of it, either. 🥴 Doesn’t really matter to me. There’s lots of music that’s absolutely awesome and I don’t understand what’s being said, prime example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnkTuHP9q3o (Wardruna and Aurora - Helvegen) 2022-01-08T08:12:28Z (#5vhbxtq) @ That looks interesting. 🤔 I’m still wondering how meaningful 2FA is in general. I use a password manager, so every site gets a unique 64 character password. So I guess my password manager is the main target of an attack, right? Someone needs access to my computer(s) for such an attack. Okay. But if I do 2FA, I’m basically forced to use a persistent browser profile (like everybody does anyway – mine are usually ephemeral though, all cookies deleted on exit), so doesn’t then *the browser* become the main target? If someone can attack my password manager, then they can also easily steal those cookies (and 2FA won’t help much). 🤔 2022-01-08T08:12:50Z Yay, snow! ⛄ https://movq.de/v/852dbda644 2022-01-08T08:24:48Z (#5vhbxtq) (In a corporate setting, 2FA makes much more sense. Example: An employee has access to a password. When he gets fired, he could have easily copied that password to a private machine or wrote it on a piece of paper. So the password *must* be changed now, meaning you have to keep track of all passwords he had access to and so on. But if 2FA is involved here, the password isn’t enough. Big win. // This scenario does *not* apply to my private use, though.) 2022-01-08T11:29:22Z (#elgkv5a) @ Management by perkele. 🥴 2022-01-08T13:12:55Z Just noticed that Casio is selling the CA-53W again and it’s not even expensive. This is weird. Such a famous model and then it’s cheap! 🥴 2022-01-08T19:25:05Z Gave alacritty a quick try and, guess what, it renders my 7x15 font as 6x15. This is getting ridiculous. 2022-01-08T19:38:38Z I strongly dislike that both Rust and Go dump tons of stuff in my home directory. Could you not? At the very least, could you please respect standard(-ish) directories like `~/.cache`? 🤔 2022-01-08T19:59:40Z (#4gw3pua) @ Yeah, that’s seriously driving me nuts! 😂 We’ve been to the moon *over 50 years ago* and now we send stuff to Mars, but fonts?! Pffff. 😂 2022-01-08T20:33:37Z (#ob3sgra) @ A blizzard is a severe snow storm, right? You have that at 23°C? 😲 2022-01-08T20:58:09Z (#ob3sgra) @ Ah. Got it. 🥴 Well, the weather is so crazy on this planet, it could have been an actual blizzard … Who knows. Everything’s possible now. 🤷 2022-01-09T04:41:14Z (#fzuvgha) @ I now brute-force-symlinked `~/go` to something tmpfs-ish. 😅 I don’t do a lot with Go, I just don’t want that garbage … 🚯 2022-01-09T04:43:07Z (#m7d24la) @ That is a very tiny image (240x97 pixels). 🥴 2022-01-09T04:59:05Z (#m7d24la) (Ah, just saw the other twt. That explains it. 😅) 2022-01-09T07:00:27Z (#m7d24la) @ Hmm, not sure. @ posted a link to https://arrakis.netbros.com/media/8mHw8ZeTa74Ucu64HV9FyV.png earlier, which indeed gets me to a web page instead of a PNG. Is this what you mean? 🤔 (Not really sure what’s the intention behind this. Why not just always serve the original PNG?) 2022-01-09T19:26:33Z Heard some of you guys like rock piles, so here’s some inspiration to step up your game: https://imgur.com/gallery/41L9y43 2022-01-10T16:11:46Z (#mna5wlq) @ There appears to be a backstory: http://web.archive.org/web/20220105101202/https://twitter.com/marak/status/1320465599319990272 And then he probably got upset that is work is used so much, but nobody ever pays him?

Hard to tell if any of this is true. It just shows how broken the modern software world is. People are surprised that pulling tons of dependencies without *any* kind of review process breaks stuff? Really?

Maintainers matter. Distributions matter. This is what irks me *a lot* about Rust, Go (and Python, to some degree): They all promote their own package management solution, none of which have any kind of review/testing process like a distro has. This is bad. (With Python, distros can at least provide a package and you can use that. That doesn’t work with Rust (and probably not with Go), because they hate dynamic linking so much.)

I’m just glad I don’t have anything to do with the JS world. 2022-01-10T16:29:14Z @ The slashdot feed at https://feeds.twtxt.net/slashdot/twtxt.txt appears to be invalid UTF-8 🥴

 $ wget -O foo https://feeds.twtxt.net/slashdot/twtxt.txt && python -c 'open("foo", "rb").read().decode("UTF-8")'

 2022-01-10 17:26:36 (309 KB/s) - ‘foo’ saved [499169/499169]

 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 1, in 
 UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode bytes in position 45143-45144: invalid continuation byte 2022-01-11T14:46:21Z (#mna5wlq) @ My concern/point is to have a review and/or testing process by a maintainer of my distribution. And I want to have this process for *libraries* (or “dependencies”, in general), not just for programs.

Here’s an example:

I’m writing a Rust program that uses the “chrono” library: https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.19/chrono/index.html In the source code of my program, I add this lib as a dependency. What happens then is that the Rust tooling downloads this library *directly from upstream*.

Another program that I’m writing is using Python. Again, I have a dependency and I state that in my source code. But here, this dependency can either be installed directly from upstream or *through a package of my distribution*. When I do the latter (install the distro package), I don’t get *some* upstream version, but I get a *maintained version* from my distro.

I think it’s pretty obvious that using a distro package is the more robust way. There simply is a second pair of eyes to catch mistakes.

When stuff comes from the distro, then the distro maintainer has already done a good deal of work (catch stupid stuff like in the article on slashdot; maybe hold back versions that are known to be broken; maybe apply local patches to make the thing work with this distribution; …). Devs/users can rely on that work and it makes their life easier. But when everyone installs everything directly from upstream, *everybody* has to do the distro maintainer’s work. 2022-01-11T14:51:32Z (#mna5wlq) In general, I try to use as little dependencies as possible. I rather read a deps source to see how it’s implemented and then implement it myself. But this isn’t enough. Transitive dependencies make everything horrible. For example, that Rust program I mentioned has two direct dependencies, which pull in four transitive ones. So the amount of work, that I have to do to make sure that all those deps don’t screw up, increases rapidly. If that stuff came from my distro, I’d at least have another person to help me with that. 2022-01-11T14:53:22Z (#mna5wlq) TBH, I’m not sure if all of this is “dynamic linking vs. static linking”. The distro *could* theoretically provide packages with something like `.a` files and then my program could be statically linked. But the reality is that Rust (and probably not Go, either?) just don’t work that way. (And even if it was *technically* possible: People don’t do it.) 2022-01-11T14:54:16Z (#r7wnzda) @ Hmm, nope, it appears to cut strings on a byte-level instead of codepoint-level. So stuff ends in the middle of a multibyte sequence. 🤔 2022-01-11T15:32:48Z (#r7wnzda) @ I think this is the problem:


I don’t really know how Go works, but this appears to work on a byte level? The following snippet produces similar results:

 package main

 import "fmt"

 func main() {
 foo := "🐧"
 fmt.Printf("borked: [%s]\n", foo[:2])

This prints just two bytes from the multibyte penguin emoji and that’s invalid UTF-8.

No idea how to fix this in Go, though. 🤷 2022-01-12T21:39:26Z (#r7wnzda) @ I’m seeing slashdot twts in my timeline now, so it appears to be solved! 👌 Thank you! 2022-01-13T14:49:09Z (#l3pvsbq) @

> I use/develop on macOS for example

I think this is my (main) mistake: I keep forgetting that macOS and Windows exist. 🥴 And I keep forgetting how different they are. Yes, I agree, on those platforms – especially on Windows – the approach of Rust and Go is really great: You have a Rust/Go project, you define dependencies, and then a Rust/Go tool fetches those dependencies and creates a statically linked binary. This is generally what you want, I think. At least *I* would have been very happy with this, back when I was using Windows.

Sometimes my mind is very clouded by the narrow perspective of Linux (and maybe BSD). 🤪🥴 2022-01-13T15:01:58Z (#xnmwvqa) @ I still look at it like this: Yarn.social is *one way* to participate with the twtxt world. It’s presumably a very convenient way (users can just register in a web app), but nothing forces you to use it. I don’t, some others don’t. I host my twtxt file as a simple text file on my web server.

The extensions made by Yarn.social are listed under https://dev.twtxt.net/ and they are backwards-compatible and also not very complex, which makes it still very much possible to implement your own Yarn.social-compatible twtxt client. This is a huge plus. And, frankly, I wouldn’t be active in this community anymore if that wasn’t the case. 🙃 2022-01-13T15:48:58Z (#r7wnzda) @ Given that *no* twts from those feeds made it to my inbox, because my client couldn’t parse that broken UTF-8: Nope, no duplicates. 😂 2022-01-13T16:23:59Z (#rwnngea) Never in my life have I imagined that we’d be living in a global pandemic with a very dangerous virus – and we have *multiple vaccines* for it, but lots and lots of people *refuse* to take it. Covid has taught me a lot of things and has left me very bitter. 2022-01-13T17:21:36Z (#rwnngea) @ I won’t argue with you on this topic. You have obviously made up your mind. I cannot convince you otherwise.

Here is how I approach this whole thing: I am not a trained physician. I don’t have the slightest idea how the human body works, especially not the immune system. I am absolutely certain, though, that I cannot teach myself these things in a couple of months. And most importantly, I cannot learn this stuff from short articles posted by someone on the Internet. Reading that article that tamer linked, uhm, yeah, I don’t have the knowledge to ascertain whether the article is true or utter garbage.

This is a problem. I, myself, don’t know what’s going on, I don’t know how things work, I don’t know what will harm me and what won’t. So what now? I turn to people who I trust and who have studied in these fields. People who spent years or decades trying to figure it out. I ask *several* of those people who I know personally (my doctors) about their opinion on the matter, and I look for public figures who appear to be knowledgable in those fields and check their opinion, and then I *hope* that they reach a consensus.

This has led me *to assume* (not *to know*) that vaccines are a good idea.

Is this a perfect process? No. They could be wrong. They could be greedy capitalists who just sell me garbage or even harmful stuff, so I become their future patient. This is possible, but, frankly, somewhat unlikely, because I’ve known some of these people for many years. I could *still* be wrong! But you know what? If I tried to figure all this out by myself, I’d be *100% wrong*, because, remember, I’m not a trained physician and I have absolutely zero idea how any of this works. 2022-01-13T17:28:02Z (#vchmsma) @ Uhh, that’s some interesting stuff. 😲 2022-01-13T18:56:11Z (#rwnngea) @

> But if anybody advocates for a totalitarian solution, not respecting my informed choice then that is a violation of my rights, do you agree with that statement?

I cannot answer that question, because a) it is not clear what you are talking about, b) you are not the only person on this planet.

Let me elaborate on “b)” and I’ll make a more general statement here.

If you contract covid, then there’s a risk of you infecting other people or you needing a hospital bed. This means that *your actions affect other people*. So, your rights have to be weighed against other people’s rights. I strongly believe that your right not to wear a mask (is that a *right*, by the way?) is not as important as somebody else not getting sick. Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience; getting covid is serious and life-threatening. That other person’s right to stay healthy outweighs your right not to wear a mask. Similarly, if you don’t want to get a vaccine (for whatever reason), then you should accept certain consequences. In my country, this means (in theory) getting tested more often than vaccinated people or not being allowed to attend certain events (concerts, sports or whatever). Because, again, your “right” to watch a soccer match does not outweigh another person’s right to not get sick.

To me, this is the core of this whole thing: Your actions affect other people. And this means it’s getting really complicated. We, as a society, as a species, have to find a way to overcome this disease. This should be our common goal. I don’t see that happening, though. Various actors derail everything in various directions. 2022-01-14T15:37:02Z (#3chj77a) @ Holy cow. 🤦 2022-01-14T20:31:41Z (#hups2ua) @ 😍 Such a nice scenery up there, snow, fog, everything. 😍 (Found the bird!)